
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bless Somebody Today

I just had three wonderful women from St. Paul's Lutheran Church come into the Gallery to have an image of Christ reframed for their Church Library.

We got to talking and of course as I am so want to do when the opportunity presents itself, I started teaching.  They were fascinated as I unpacked information to them about the early church and it's history going forward to today.  After I was finished they asked me if I would consider coming to visit St. Paul and teach a class or classes for them in their adult education.  I told them I was not certain I was worthy but I would be happy to do so.

I gave them my business card and they resolved to have their Reverend come by or call me to visit with me.  Apparently they are in the process of some changes in the church and they are wanting to introduce a Biblical Teaching program.

God is amazing and I am as always humbled that he might use someone such as I to edify his people.

God's Grace and Love to you all!


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