
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sermon Video From Salem United Church of Christ

Okay, I think I finally have this video thing all sorted out.  Unfortunately I gave up on Maddie getting it done for me so I had to dive in and try to figure out how to edit and upload video.  A new skill.... LOL, well at least it's on it's way to slightly resembling a skill (be generous okay).  A very humbling experience for me; no doubt a good lesson for my all too often ego riddled soul.  Thanks God for keeping me in line, not something I enjoy but undoubtedly something I need in regular doses.

Just a couple of apologies and clarifications.  First of all don't watch this thinking you're going to see a polished and eloquent speaker, neither of these are attributes I shall ever obtain.  I have never been any good at speaking when I over prepare, it is much better for me to just rough out my outline and then go in and ad lib my way through.  Maddie recorded it for me and she cut off the beginning and end of the sermon a tiny bit, didn't hurt the message at all but it does make it seem a bit off kilter.  She rotated the camera a couple of times (no idea why she did that maybe her hand was bothering her) so I've tried to make those transitions a bit less awkward, but they are still there.  During the recording her camera's battery ran out and she had to switch to her iphone, the difference in the quality of the recording is obvious and I apologize for that as well.

In the sermon I refer to my background as an atheist.  I stated that I would likely have gotten into an argument with Mark if he had tried to talk to me about Christ.  That isn't exactly fair to say, by the time I got to know Mark I would describe myself as being more agnostic than atheist.  I also wouldn't have gotten into an argument with him as that would have blown my cover to the lovely young woman who was part of my life in those days.  To her, I certainly never presented myself as being agnostic, though I certainly never presented myself as being an ardent believer either.  It is to her very great credit that she had such significant influence on me to get me to go to church (and to actually join a Church) with her and to sit without complaining nor criticizing.  There can be no doubt that was the genuine beginning of this over 30 year journey to the pulpit, and I owe her a great debt for that and for so much more.

It certainly wasn't my best shot at public speaking but it is (as far as I know anyhow) the first time I've ever been recorded speaking or preaching.  Since I've never watched myself speak it is honestly a bit painful for me to watch.  I don't much care for my own speaking voice for one thing and of course I tend to be my biggest critic.  I will try to record as many sermons as I can so I can self critique as well as go over each with my Mentor.  One would be inclined to think I am part Italian (which I am not) by all the hand motions.  I was never aware that I spoke with my hands so much.  Not at all sure that is a good or a bad thing but something I was totally unaware of.  The sound quality in the recording is a bit dicey, the iphone definitely does not pickup audio as well as the camera did, but Maddie has a very nice camera so it's no surprise that it did a better job.  The next time I ask her to record a sermon or speech I will give a few more instructions and try and locate her closer to a speaker.

Please enjoy the sermon, I'm always happy to discuss any aspect of the sermon so please fire away.  If you prefer to speak privately, you can send me an e-mail instead of posting a comment here (either is fine with me).  My e-mail account is I don't regularly check the gmail account linked here as I set it up just for this blog.  Any and all constructive criticism of the sermon is welcome, just please keep it constructive and loving in it's nature.  I thank you all for following along and may you all always be blessed, and always be a blessing.

In His Unlimited Grace,

The first video begins with the children's conversation they had six children come forward and I was very pleased to visit with them.  I have always loved children and I honestly think that often the adults get more out of the children's sermon than they do from the formal sermon.  Perhaps because it's short enough that most pay attention to the entire story.  LOL

You can also watch the videos here:
The quality might just be a little bit better on photobucket.
The file size was reduced in uploading it all, the video looks much better on my laptop.  Sorry...

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