
Monday, July 23, 2012

The Library project....

Well this weekend I started my project of converting part of the basement into a library area.  I have a big desk downstairs currently which I don't use anymore so I started unloading it and preparing to move it out and donate it to AmVets or Together, Inc. (whichever will come and get it can have it).

Located some shelves that I want down at the Furniture Mart and should be able to get two of them in the space where the desk is currently.  I'm thinking I'm going to divide the room by putting bookshelves out from the wall.  I think it will take two side by side and two back to back.  This will give me six new shelves and I think that will likely hold all of the books.  If I'm still needing space I will put some 1/2 sized shelves along the wall where we have the tv.

I'm looking forward to having Jesse's books all shelved as there are so many treasures among his collection.  I was putting tags in some yesterday and there are so many I want to read that I was giddy just looking through them.  Inside one I found a note where Jesse had written "Look up passages from Paul for Roy", that brought a tear to my eye then and it does again now.  So many times a day I want to talk to Jesse...

Getting Jesse's books shelved should save me some money, as just the other day I was on Amazon looking at books. (DANGEROUS!) I spied two that I desperately wanted, one I had in my shopping cart for a few minutes.  I decided that I had enough books backed up to read and put them in my folder "Books I Want".  Well the next morning I was searching for one of my books that I mislaid, I went to look among some of the books from Jesse that I had shelved already thinking maybe it got mixed in with them somehow.  Well low and behold there sitting side by side were the two books!  It blew my mind that among the what must be over 1,000 books I have from Jesse that these two were out of the box and on the shelf side by side.  Thank you Jesse and thank you GOD!

These are the two books.

And fortunately I did later find the missing book so it all worked out great for me.  LOL

Remember to be a blessing to somebody today!

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