
Sunday, August 12, 2012

ELM Class - American Baptist History and Polity

This Thursday/Friday/Saturday we had our class concerning the History and Polity of the American Baptist Churches.  When we have our History & Polity Classes we shift our normal class format from 2 days each for 2 months to a one time 3 day class.  The classes are held annually at the Saint Benedict Catholic Retreat near Schuyler, Nebraska.

Saint Benedict is a wonderfully serene environment.  I was able over the weekend to spend some time alone in their Adoration Chapel and I have to say I haven't felt so near to the Almighty in a very long time.  This was my second trip to Saint Benedict for an ELM Class, and I think one of these days I will have to take a personal retreat there and just spend some time in prayer and meditation.

Our Baptist class was co-taught by Tom Wiles (Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of North Platte) and David Lundholm (Retired Associate Pastor for the American Baptist of Nebraska).  I thoroughly enjoyed the class, Tom and Dave do a good job of working together in the presentation of their material.  On Friday night I had the good fortune and opportunity to spend some time visiting with both Tom and Dave away from the rest of the retreatants.  I greatly appreciated the insight and advice that I received from both of them that evening.  I am certain I will have the opportunity to pick both of their brains again in the future.  If either of you gentlemen are reading this, I do thank you both for taking the time to visit with me, again it was greatly appreciated.

As far as my reading has been going, I of course had to finish up reading the two books required for the ELM class.  In addition I am reading on the Kindle "The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture" by Bart Ehrman, as well as re-reading for the third (and now reading again for the fourth time) time "Love Wins" by Rob Bell.  I absolutely love Rob Bell's book and I would greatly urge everyone to read it.  As for Bart Ehrman's book, this is not one I would recommend to any but the more serious layperson or a member of the clergy.  This book is a great book do not be mistaken, however it is not nearly as readable as Ehrman's book "Misquoting Jesus".  If anyone is interested in reading some of Ehrman's work I suggest "Misquoting Jesus" or "Lost Christianities" before reading "The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture".

Today on our way home from Church, Gail and I stopped at 'Half Price Books' to just look around.  Of course it's impossible for either of us to go into a bookstore and not walk out with a book.  Gail found two books she wanted and I found a book that I think I may well find valuable to me in my future in ministry.  It's called "Hating God, the untold story of misotheism" by Bernard Schweizer .  This very well may be a disturbing book to read, but I have little doubt that learning the stories of those who have come to confess a belief in God but who also profess hatred of God will be helpful in dealing with individuals who have come to this same conclusion.  I may well have to dig through Jesse's books and try to find something very uplifting to read after reading this book however as I'm sure it will not be a happy nor fast read.

On another note, when I got home yesterday I went to the gym to get in a workout. My training for my 53rd birthday is going along very well.  In this workout and the one prior my strength has been simply "off the hook".  In this workout I moved up in either weight, reps or both on every movement save one.  That exercise was 'reverse barbell shrugs' and I had made big moves on two other back exercises prior to doing the 'reverse shrugs', so I wasn't disappointed at all.  Lately my back has been responding very well and it's a genuine rush training back anymore.  I've let my body weight inch up a bit lately and of course this is helpful strength wise as well as for endurance.  I'll have to get serious on my diet this week however as I'd like to be about 15lbs lighter than I am right now come November.  I don't want to cut too fast and lose muscle mass so unfortunately I can't wait too much longer before I start limiting my carbohydrate intake and doing some more cardio.

As always thank you all for reading and please remember to "BE THE BLESSING".

God's Love and Grace to you all,

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