
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Prayers Please for missing couple and child...

I have a very important prayer request for a High Schoolmate of mine Myra Fees and her extended family.  Myra's daughter, her granddaughter, and the daughter's boyfriend along with their two dogs, were flying home in a small plane and they did not land as expected on Sunday afternoon. Nobody has heard from them since around noon on Sunday. Please pray that the rescue teams find them and get them home safe and sound. 

They were flying from California to Wyoming and have apparently gone down somewhere in central Utah.  The Utah Civil Air Patrol has been searching for them for the last several days but as of yet there is no trace of them.  The pilots that are out searching are of course flying low over rough terrain, so please pray for the rescuer's safety as well. 

I cannot imagine the families despair, 3 nights of worry and not knowing.  The granddaughter is only 9 so she's very young.  Such an awful time for Myra and her entire family please let her know that God's family is there for her in her darkest hour. Please raise a prayer for comfort and for guidance for the brave pilots out searching for their loved ones.

Thank you for your prayers!  Blessings to you!

LINK to News Article & Video

In His Absolute Grace & Loving Care,

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