
Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year - A New Chapter

Yesterday was a quiet day.  I spent most of my time just trying to finally fight off this infection in my tooth.  Ultimately, I don't think any of the antibiotics have done much for it (though I am still taking the third antibiotic as directed) and it has come down to my body fighting this thing off.  It's now been over two weeks and I'm feeling very drained by it all.  I am at this moment however planning to go to the gym this evening come hell or high waters.

I did watch the Huskers play yesterday and just the one play was worth the time invested in watching the game.

Unfortunately I did miss the last few minutes of the game as I dozed off in the recliner.  I was watching the game alone and 'Pansie' wanted to sit on my lap.  Whatever it is about her as soon as she curls up on your lap and goes to sleep she makes you fall asleep shortly as well.  Oh well, I saw most all of the game and I certainly watched that incredible pass play.  So it was all good.

The rest of the day I spent reading in a book of theological essays that Creath gave me for Christmas.  I listened to an Audio-Bible online for a while, and listened to 'Sting' while I read.  The image above is now a couple of days old but, it still applies.  We have a stack of blank pages ahead of us all, let's fill these pages with interesting and enriching words and events.

Each of us has a book or our 'Life' just as Sting says in this song, which is one of my favorite songs of his by the way.  And certainly, the Chapter on religion that we don't understand, but we and myself feel compelled to try and understand.  Even as I am fully aware that it is not possible.  But what we can and all should do is try to improve and strengthen that relationship that we each have with the Almighty.  Trying to feel and see the hand of the Creator that is all about us on a constant basis.

For what it's worth this is my favorite song by Sting.  Though the video leaves a great deal to be desired.  The song lyrics are haunting and one I have burned to several CD mixes of my favorite music.

Likely my second favorite song by Sting, but more for the melody and not the lyrics for this one.  The video on this one is somewhat racy so you've been warned if you are extremely sensitive about such things.

Yesterday I did learn that my Aunt Sylvia discovered a mass in her lung.  The Doctor is fairly certain that it is cancerous but they have not done a biopsy yet.  Sylvia is the last surviving sibling of my Father's siblings.  She has been a smoker for years along with her late husband so in many ways this is not a surprise but it is still heart breaking.  She is such a wonderful lady and if all goes well we should really try and get up to South Dakota and visit her before anything else happens.  It's been far too many years since I've seen her and it is sad how the years slip away from all of us.

Just this morning I've decided that it's time for me to reread the book 'If Grace is True' by Philip Gulley & James Mulholland.  This is one of my favorite books of all time and I'm suddenly feeling the need to read it again.  So I will, it's a fairly quick read really so it shouldn't take more than a day or two for me.

I'm looking forward to 2014 as a year of change for my family and myself.  Where will the dawn of 2015 find us?  Wow, that number sounds 'large'... I can remember as a child thinking I would be lucky if I lived to see the year 2000!  At any rate, there are a number of things 'brewing' for this year and only the Good Lord has any idea what is in store for the Karlen family.

I hope that each of you has a wonderful, deeply blessed and productive year here in 2014.  May God protect and guide you all.

In God's Love and Guidance,

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