
Monday, March 24, 2014

Upcoming Preaching Engagement and a Dead Computer

I'm sorry that I missed posting anything last week, my laptop computer had a sudden meltdown and is not yet repaired.  I took it to two shops in town and was told two different stories as to what was wrong with it.  One of my friends from the gym has agreed to take a look at it and see if he can't get it back up and running for me.  I haven't gotten it to him yet but hopefully I'll see him at the gym in the next day or two.  In the meanwhile I've dug out an old notebook and I'm using that for now.  It gets the job done but it's very slow and is prone to freezing while online.

Unfortunately, the ELM training session I was planning to attend in Hastings last weekend was canceled at the last moment.  They just did not get enough registrations to make the event viable.

This week I was asked to preach at Judson Baptist Church on Palm Sunday.  I was happy to accept the offer and I'm really looking forward to visiting Judson as it is an ABC Church here in Omaha that I haven't had the chance to attend yet.  I'm already working in my head on the sermon but I forgot to ask if they are having a 'Maundy Thursday' service or not.  Depending on whether they are or not will affect how far into the 'Last Week' of Christ life on earth I will go in the sermon.

Judson has a bit later service time than many other local churches with a start time of 10:45 am.  If anyone is interested in attending their address is, 8517 Park View Blvd, La Vista.  I understand that there will be cake and refreshments after the service so feel free to feel bribed to attend.

Yesterday morning we went to Benson Baptist for their 8:30 am service.  I was happy to see my friend Dr. Edsel Buchanan there with his daughter and her family.  Edsel is a retired professor of physical education and in his youth he was a very accomplished trampoline gymnast and a three time NCAA champion.  Today though Edsel suffers from Alzheimer's disease and I was very glad to see that he was his happy and cheerful self.  He recognized me immediately and I sat down and had a good visit with him prior to the start of the service.

This Wednesday I am having lunch with my friend and mentor Rev. Bob Molby.  I have a couple of books I want to lend to Bob and I also want to visit with him about the sermon I'm thinking of giving at Judson.  Bob has been out of town visiting family for a number of weeks and I'm looking forward to catching up with him and to see how he's been getting along.

Yesterday Pastor Paul used the Lord's Prayer as a major illustration in his sermon.  I hit him with the trivia question of where is the third source for the Lord's Prayer.  I apologize for catching him flat footed but he didn't have an answer for me, the answer is in the "Didache" (a/k/a The Teaching of the Twelve).  I'll close this blog post with the Lord's prayer translated from 8:2 in the Didache.  

May you all be well and blessed.

In God's Love, Glory and abounding Grace,

Didache 8:2
Neither pray ye as the hypocrites, but as the Lord commanded in His Gospel,thus pray ye:
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done,
as in heaven, so also on earth;
give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debt,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;

for Thine is the power and the glory for ever and ever.

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