
Monday, May 5, 2014

Prairie Pastors Conference

This past week I attended the annual 'Prairie Pastors Conference' in Bellevue.  The conference ran from Monday afternoon until late Wednesday morning.  The guest speaker/instructor was David Finch who along with Geoff Holsclaw wrote the book 'Prodigal Christianity'.  David's presentation revolved for the most part around the book and was an interesting presentation.

I do agree with him entirely that the future of Christianity calls for us to 'go out' and be among the people.  Today though I really need to spend my time preparing for the class this weekend out in Hastings "The History of Hell".  I am very much looking forward to this class but there is a fair amount of reading that I need to accomplish yet.  So, that being what it is I will return next week and blog in depth about the Conference and the Class.

Proof that I was at the Conference.  You can see me in on the right side the second fellow in,
Ron French of course is the first soul from the right.  God Bless!

Let me just leave you for this week with this prayer, which seems very fitting coming away from a Conference for Pastors.

God's Workman
Lord God, who hast placed me in thy Church as a pastor, thou seest how unfit I am to fulfil this great and responsible office.  Were it not for thy counsel I would long ago utterly have failed.  Therefore do I call upon thee for guidance.  Gladly will I give my heart and voice to thy service.  I want to teach, and I long to be taught continually through thy Word.  Use me as thy workman, O Lord.  Only do not thou forsake me; for if I were alone, I would bring everything to naught.

Martin Luther

May this week find you all deeply and richly blessed by our provider God.

In His Continuing and Unending Love & Grace,

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