
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Video of Sermon at Humboldt Christian Church on July 20th 2014

Well I finally managed to get the video of my Sermon at Humboldt Christian Church edited and loaded to 'Youtube'.  As always don't watch my videos thinking you're going to see the most polished of Preachers perform.  I have always said, and always will say that I am more of a teacher than a preacher.  Hopefully, I am able to leave everyone with a bit more knowledge about the Scriptures and/or Biblical History after every sermon.  Feel free to look at my other sermons on my 'Youtube' channel and on 'Photobucket', I've posted the links below.

Roy Karlen - Youtube Channel

Video of Sermon at Salem UCC

Over the weekend we made a trip to Wichita, KS and the drive and time in the motel gave me a chance to do some more reading in Ehrman's book on 'Peter, Paul and Mary'.  I am really enjoying this book so far and am surprised that Ehrman and I share similar opinions about the nature of the book of Acts.  Though we differ a good deal on our opinions about why the Author of Acts was so motivated to craft his book the way he did.

Once I've had a chance to finish the entire book I'll come back and blog about just what I've eluded to in this post.

I hope this quick post finds you all blessed and well in the Love of Christ, the Guidance of the Spirit, and the Grace of God.

In Christ,

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