
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Never place a limit on God's capacity for Grace.

Well of course by now nearly everyone in the entire United States and likely a large share of the world has learned of Robin Williams unfortunate passing.  It is such a terrible loss, and a stark reminder of the problem that we have in society of widespread depression and dependency.  Suicide is such a desperate act, and unfortunately the victim just cannot see the very great pain and anguish that they will leave in their wake. 

 Robin Williams - article on his passing

We need to be ever watchful around our friends and families for those that are inordinately depressed or despondent.  One must be on the lookout for the classic signs of an individual who is contemplating taking their own life.  A quick resource for such information would be the link below.

Suicide Prevention

I am fully aware that a great many Christians feel that taking one's own life is a fast train to a very hot spot.  The idea that everyone who commits suicide goes directly to Hell is all too common among those who profess to be followers of a Loving Christ and a Gracious Father.  I have to wince whenever I hear such talk for it is more damning to God than it is to the victim of suicide.

A few years ago a couple who is very dear to my heart had the great tragedy of one of their children taking their own life.  When I called to talk to my friends I reached their adult daughter and she told me that their Minister was talking to her parents at that moment.  So I visited with her for a while trying to find out how she was coping.  I sensed that she was afraid and I came right out and asked her if she was afraid for her brother's soul and that he might not be allowed into Heaven.  She confessed that yes, she was scared of that very thing (I learned later that their Minister rather than trying to assuage their worries had basically confirmed them).

I then asked her a very simple and a very direct question.  

I said to her, "If your father had the power to bring your brother back to life right now at this very moment, do you think he would then tell your brother to get the Hell away from me and never let me see you again... or would your father just throw his arms around him and tell him he loved him?"  

She replied "He would tell him he loved him of course."

To which I answered "Then how could God do any less?  Your father is a good man, a loving man, a gracious man, but he is not greater than God."

She thanked me and I could tell instantly from her voice that she was greatly relieved.

Perhaps nothing about my chosen religion irks me more than those who try to put a limit on the capacity for God to exercise his grace and forgiveness in this world.  If you have witnessed grace and forgiveness in or from another human being, well then you've only seen a tiny fraction of the grace, love and forgiveness that God is capable of.

For you see not only would my friend have embraced his child but he would never, ever let go of that embrace.  That does not mean there would not be a scolding coming at some point but a scolding is considerably different than eternal damnation.  And I have to believe from my own life experiences that the act of the father embracing the son after all that he had done wrong, and showing genuine love and grace to the child, will have a much greater impact on that boy's soul than any amount of scolding or restorative punishment could ever have.

Let us never strive to limit God and his capacity for grace and love.  I believe fully well, that God threw his arms around Robin Williams yesterday and said "I love you" to him in an embrace that will outlast all of time.

God Bless You All,

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