
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Preaching this Sunday

I will be preaching this Sunday down in Murray, NE at the Disciples of Christ Church there.  If you're looking for a different place to worship this week and want to make a short road trip, come on down to the Murray Christian Church.  The service starts at 9:30 am and I guarantee a great sermon.  Once the service is over you'll just be a hop, skip and a jump away from Nebraska City, so you can head South and stock up on apples and such while you're out and about.

For the last several weeks I have been helping to teach Sunday School at Benson Baptist.  The class I am working with is the 2nd through 4th Graders, and for the last two Sundays I have led the class.  It has been a great lot of fun and I've truly enjoyed getting to work with these youngsters.  With preaching in Murray this week I will miss those little tigers but they are in good hands in my absence.  With me having gotten used to teaching adults, it has been exciting to work with such young minds.  I have always had a good rapport with children and it's been easy for me to interact with them and fill the role of teacher.  I'll look forward to being back into class the following weekend and hearing all about what they did this week.

With that I need to run so I will just say in parting...

God Bless!

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