
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Preaching in Murray again this coming Sunday

I am scheduled to preach again at the Murray Christian Church this coming Sunday, October 12th.  The service is at 9:30 am, if you'd like to come on down and take in the service, by all means please do so.  I've already started working on the Sermon and I think it will be an interesting one.  Stay tuned for the posting of the manuscript and hopefully the video as well.

The Murray Christian Church is a very nice small town church with a lovely sanctuary, and home to a great group of believers.  This Sunday they will be having their monthly potluck and so we're excited to have some time to not only worship with, but to break bread and fellowship with them as well.

Today I was back worshipping in the early service at Benson Baptist.  After the service I went upstairs to help teach the 2nd to 4th grade Sunday School class.  I missed seeing the kids last weekend and it was great to get to interact with them again.  During the craft time, one of the little girls made a figure out of modeling clay that she told me was of me.  I smiled and told her how wonderful of a job she'd done.  After Sunday School was over and we were dismissing the kids, she came up to me and told me she wanted me to take it home.  I smiled and told her "no, I think you better take it home you did a great job on it and you should keep it".  She was so very proud of her work, it was great to look into her eyes and see the joy she had spilling forth.

It's been a lazy day overall here at the Karlen household.  Maddie got called into work unexpectedly as several folks apparently called in sick today.  I'm certain she doesn't mind at all as she's trying to save up money for a trip to Canada after Christmas.  She is wanting to go and visit Yves, and she wants to go and experience a bit of winter in Ontario.  Gail and I are of course not too excited about her going to Canada in the dead of winter, but then again they do know how to deal with snow and cold there.

Well, that's all for now, I need to do some more reading in preparation for my sermon.  I will leave you all with the "Lord's Prayer" as found in the "Didache".

In His Love & Grace,

Didache - "The Teaching of the Twelve"
Chapter 8

Fasting and Prayer (the Lord's Prayer). But let not your fasts be with the hypocrites, for they fast on the second and fifth day of the week. Rather, fast on the fourth day and the Preparation (Friday). Do not pray like the hypocrites, but rather as the Lord commanded in His Gospel, like this:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily (needful) bread, and forgive us our debt as we also forgive our debtors. And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one (or, evil); for Thine is the power and the glory for ever..
Pray this three times each day.

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