
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

God's Angels wear Human Faces...

Today it seems that the blog has gotten far more than it's normal amount of traffic.  Sadly though, it's due to all the folks coming to read my last blog post about Devon Hunzeker and his unfortunate death.

I'm hearing good things that the community in Humboldt is pulling together and that the youth in the community are working to encourage and support each other.  Surely, this is God at work there, doing all that he can do to heal and help those who are grieving.  Praise God!

At times like these we as humans need to find coping mechanisms, something or someway to just get through the next day, the next hour, the next minute.  Until we are able to move forward and to find that new normal.  Regrettably for the Hunzeker family, and for all of Devon's friends their lives have been changed forever.  Now they must grieve their loss, and as I said search for and create that new normal.

I pray that all those involved have a strong faith and that their belief in an all loving Creator will bear them forward safely.  As Christians we can always find solace in not only the knowledge that our loved one is now united with God, but that we ourselves when we pass from this realm will be reunited with our loved one for all eternity.  Praise God for the reconciliation and reunion that is to come.

In the meanwhile, I rest assured by all that I am hearing that the Humboldt Community has lifted this family up with arms and hearts of love, and will do all they can to help them get through what is the worst that can happen to a family... the loss of a child.  Praise God for these loving and caring people.

It is in small communities that we see the hand of God working so diligently.  As I said in my last blog post, God did not cause this accident to occur but He has summoned His legions of Angels to come forth and support those that are suffering.  These Angels wear human faces, and in these human faces we see the eyes of Christ, and in these human hearts we find the Love of God.  Praise God!

Please continue to pray for Devon's family, friends, the community, and for Howard and all of the other Ministers in the area.  

God's Undying Love & Grace to the Hunzeker family.

In Christ,

I will recommend as I have before in this blog the wonderful book "All Our Losses / All Our Griefs".  It is well worth reading.  You will find it at the link below.

All Our Losses / All Our Griefs - on Amazon

I also want to share with you a link to a blog post that was shared with Howard and myself by our good friend Dustin Bower.

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