
Monday, March 16, 2015

The Ides of March

Well, yesterday after Church we had a million errands to run.  It was a constant run, run, run until evening it seemed.  Luckily, for me anyways we did stop for a while at one of my favorite places 'Half Priced Books'.  This week I only purchased two books, but I managed to find both in the bargain section so I was pretty pleased with that.  The first book is by Diana Butler Bass entitled 'Christianity After Religion'.  Some of her work was part of the ELM curriculum, but I haven't read any of her books for a while now so I'm curious to read this one.  The other book is a bird of an entirely different feather entitled 'The Suffering of God' by Terence E. Fretheim.  The book focuses on the 'God of the Old Testament' and the Forward for the book was written by none other than Walter Brueggemann.  Brueggemann lavishes much praise onto the writing, and you really can't get much better than that for a book concerning the Old Testament.  This morning I started the book by Fretheim as just last night I finished one of the books I have been reading a book entitled 'The First Parish' by J. Keith Cook.  This was a very interesting little book with a good deal of great information.  I picked it up a while back at a book sale at a Church in Lincoln.  It was written in 1983 so it's discussion of technology was entertaining, but most of the book is still entirely applicable and well worth reading.

Yesterday of course was the 'Ides of March', and unlike Caeser, I managed to survive the Day without incident.  Like I said, we spent almost the entire day running around doing errands.  So, in hindsight I was fortunate to survive.  There is nothing like shopping for clothes with a 20-year-old young lady and her mother.  At least I got to go to the bookstore and we went to 'Five Guys' for a late lunch/early dinner.  I'd never gone there before and now I know what all the fuss is about.  The burger I had was very tasty and the fries are great as well.  The place was a bit noisy for my old ears, but the food was worth tolerating the racket for a spell.

 Last week Maddie's car decided it wanted to start acting up and so I missed a few nights of workouts in order to spend them going to check out used cars in the area.  Finally, on Saturday morning I managed to locate an older car that is in good condition and within the budget allowed.  So now, Maddie has a different car an older one for sure but a bit newer than her last vehicle.  This one is in nearly perfect condition inside and out and looks very sharp for its age.

After all of the running around we came home and I changed and ran to the gym to get in a workout.  I truly hate working out on a Sunday, but today I have a commitment in the evening and I didn't want to miss another workout.  The session went very well and I was pleased, especially considering how messed up my workouts have gotten in the last couple of weeks.  It seemed that there was always something which I had to attend to that altered my schedule.

I do have somethings brewing in the search for a permanent pulpit though of course I cannot share the particulars here.  Hopefully, there will be some news to report in the coming month or months.  Please, pray for guidance for me and all of the Search Committees out there looking for the right minister for their congregations.  It's all in God's good timing and being patient is being faithful.

God's Great and Abundant Blessings upon you all.

In Christ,

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