
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Love One Another; In the storms let us remember that we are Christ's followers

Well, it has been an interesting few days since the Supreme Court handed down their ruling on same-sex marriage.  Sad to say it has brought out some of the worst in both sides and there has been no end of ungracious losers, and maybe even more ungracious winners.  But perhaps that is a large part of the problem, we classify each other as winners and losers rather than actually trying to understand and communicate with each other.

Honestly, I've been hesitant to add anything to the dialogue since it seems that so much good and bad is already being written.  But, I sincerely don't think our reactions need to be so complicated and certainly not so vitriol from either and each side.

This is a link to a blog which has a pretty good handle on the issue.  He is however coming from one particular side and seems to imply that the majority of the insults are coming from the opposing side alone, I don't think that's the case.  I think there are offenders equally on both sides.  Both sides need to extend olive branches to the other in my opinion.

Somewhere After The Rainbow

Personally, I was not in favor of the ruling by the Supreme Court.  My position had nothing to do with same-sex marriage however, I see this ruling as a continued erosion of States Rights and I am afraid that the precedent that it sets will come back to haunt us in years to come.  I also fear that without language in place to assure the proper balancing of conflicting 'rights' that the conservative churches will be singled out for abuse by activists and penalized by activist courts.  For this reason, I applaud what they have done down in Texas with passing legislation adding additional protection to those who do not wish to perform same-sex unions.

As to same-sex marriage and the sin of homosexuality, rather than try and repeat what is said so much better than I could anyway... I will again post a link to this video of a sermon given by Danny Cortez.  No matter which side of the same-sex marriage issue you are on pro or con, please, please set aside an hour and listen to this Pastor's sermon.  It's a great sermon and one that all Christians need to hear in this time of renewed controversy and contention.  It is a sermon given with a heart filled with love, grace and a desire for reconciliation... in short a sermon which is extremely Christ-like in nature.

Romans 2 Revised Standard Version (RSV)

The Righteous Judgment of God
2 Therefore you have no excuse, O man, whoever you are, when you judge another; for in passing judgment upon him you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.

Pay close attention to the historical context that he brings into his sermon.  This is a very, very important point and is in my opinion what most Christians are missing in their understanding of this highly contentious issue.

In the end though, no matter which side of this issue you are on, let's behave as Christians to one another and communicate in a sense of love and grace.  Let us try to understand and find common ground in our shared love for our Lord.  This division in our hearts certainly grieves our God.  Even if you ascribe to the belief that homosexuality is a sin, go back and read the verse I quoted above from Romans.  We are all sinners, there is not a one who does not fall short of the glory of God.  Do not hate someone just because they sin differently than you do.

The photo above was taken this past weekend during our Community Worship Service during 'Western Days' here in Lake City.  This annual service is held in the Town Square and is open to all the congregations in town.  It's one of two annual worship services held by the Lake City Ministerial Association.  I think it's wonderful to be in a community where the churches are not at odds with one another and actually work together to serve the local community.  Praise God, for such a wonderful and loving community.

Here are a couple more photos from the event.

I need to get back to working on my sermon for this weekend so I'm going to let you all go for now.  May this blog post find you all well and blessed and remember to please "be a blessing to someone today".

In His Grace,

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