
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My part of the August Newsletter here at Woodlawn CC

What follows are the two articles that I write each month for the Church Newsletter.  These are the articles written for the August 2015 newsletter.

Have a very blessed day, week, year and life.

Pastor Roy

Pastor's Report:

Well, July certainly was a busy month here at Woodlawn Christian Church.  We had the Vacation Bible School here at the church, and I have to tell you that I enjoyed it immensely.  We had a great turnout of children and helpers and the week was just a pure joy.  I can't begin to think of all the people that need to be thanked for helping out so, I'll just thank Jodi Frank and Janet Daisy and allow them to spread the accolades on from there.  But, truly I do thank each and everyone who was involved in this wonderful ministry. I am already looking forward to this event next year, and also thank you, Janet and Jodi, for letting me teach some of the classes.

On the 12th, there was my formal installation service here at Woodlawn.  I was very pleased with the number of folks that showed up for the service and the potluck that followed.  We had the privilege of hosting some special guests that day as well.  These are individuals who have been instrumental in my personal faith journey that has led me here to be with you all.  I mentioned them last month, but I will do so once again.  Kathy Brown (the wife of my late mentor Jesse), Susan Gillies, Bob Molby and his wife Marcie, my mother in law Mary Engleman, my brother Merrill Karlen and his wife Karen, and also Gail was here along with both of our children Creath and Madeline.  Creath played his violin as part of the service and was very well received.  It was also great to see Marge Walters make it to the church and I thank Leon and Judy for going out and picking her up.  It was also the first time that Kim Gregg made it to a service while I have been here.  Thank you all and God Bless you all!

Ellen O'Loughlin had the Calhoun County Robotic Clinic using our facilities for classes the week after the VBS, and the ten or so children that took part had a great time learning and being exposed to a bit about robotics.  With the way the world looks to be going, skills with working with anything technology related cannot be stressed enough for our children.

Finally this month Evelyn and I were able to conduct our first worship service out at Shady Oaks together.  For one reason or another we've had to cancel this service several times.  It went very well and I'm looking forward to this as part of our monthly ministry.

Have a very blessed and abundant month and remember...

Be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

Pastor's Pondering:

July found me conducting the second funeral service that I've had since coming here as your settled Pastor.  This past month Steven 'Wiley' Main passed away.  He was well known in the community and died suddenly at the all too young age of 57.  The service was held at Lampe's Funeral Home and the Luncheon was held in our Fellowship Hall.  I want to thank all of the individuals involved in putting together the lunch, you all did a remarkable job and Gloria does a fantastic job as the point person for this ministry.  Certainly, one of the most important ministries we can have is coming to the aid of a family when they have lost a loved one.

Even though it has been a while since the Main family regularly attended church, they identify as a part of our church family.  As I urged you all during service this past Sunday, I will urge you again to please reach out and support this family as much as you possibly can.  God needs all of us to be his angels in this world.  There can be little more tragic than losing a loved one so unexpectedly, and the grief process is just beginning for this local family.

Steven's passing serves as a stark reminder to all of us that tomorrow is never promised.  Hug your family when you are able, tell them you love them often, for from day to day we just never know what might come out of the blue.

Ironically, just the day before I got the call that Steven had passed away, I was in South Dakota at the committal service for my Aunt Silvia, the last of my Father's siblings to pass away.  After the service, I was visiting with my Uncle Don, my Mother's younger brother about the burial plots in the Reliance Cemetery.  Don is the person in charge of the Protestant side (even though Don's Catholic) of the Reliance Cemetery and I asked him to look and see what was available for plots over near where my parents and grandparents plots are located.  I told him that I was going to be back in mid-August and that I'd see what he had figured out for me then.  All of this serves as a reminder that no matter what age we are at, we need to tell our loved ones what we wish for them to do in the case of our sudden passing.  Certainly, having worked out where you wish for your earthly remains to be located is among the things you need to address.

Well with that rather maudlin commentary, I will close for this month.

God's Love, Blessings and Grace to you all.
Pastor Roy

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