
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

6th and Final Sermon over the Book of James, Feb 7th, 2016 Woodlawn Christian Church

This last Sunday (Feb 7th) we completed our Sermon Series over the Book of James.  I've attached the video of the sermon and apologize for it being in two parts, Ryan Daisy did the recording and accidentally stopped the video at one point.  Nothing was really missed so the sermon even in two parts is still coherent, well... as coherent as I ever am that is.

The basic message of James is one against 'double mindedness' of any sort, especially spiritually.  This is really where the faith -vs- works dialogue is going in my opinion, if you claim to have faith but do nothing to express it you are certainly double minded about your faith and therefore it is dead as James states. Jame's letter is truly one of the gems of the New Testament and with only five chapters, it's one that can easily be read in a short sitting.  I encourage you all to sit down and read the book if you haven't recently, I'm certain it will speak to you.

With that I'm going to have to run, I'm getting ready for our Ash Wednesday service tomorrow night and this week I also had our monthly service at Shady Oaks Retirement Center, so I'll have had three services this week.  A busy but enjoyable week.

God Bless you all and remember to be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,

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