
Thursday, March 30, 2017

April 2017 Newsletter Article - Pastor Roy

I have posted my article from the April 2017 newsletter below.
Be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

Pastor's Pondering - April 2017 Newsletter Article:
Pastor Roy Karlen

Happy April EVERYONE!  You have to love April, it's when Spring first really feels like it's breaking into the calendar and we all start to remember the old, old saying “April Showers bring May Flowers”.  I type this as we've just gone through an entire day of rain yesterday and much of the forecast ahead shows rain... and it's not even April yet!

That silly little old saying “April Showers bring May Flowers” sustains us as we go through the rainy days of late March and April.  It reminds us that God's creation needs the moisture to create all of the incredible beauty that Spring brings forth, and Spring is such a magnificent time.  It's often this way for us in life as well, (though as I've said over and over I do NOT ascribe to the theology that God causes bad things to happen to any of us), it is often during the hard times that we learn the lessons and are prepared to fully embrace and profit from the good times and opportunities that lie ahead.

Depending upon the way that one translates the language from the Hebrew and Greek, it is possible to find the phrase “Fear Not” or some variation of this phrase 365 times in the Bible.  No matter how we translate this, this is a genuine reassurance to us... do not be afraid.  If we just have the courage of our convictions to genuinely turn our fear over to God we will get through even the darkest and rainiest of days.  God will deliver us, though He does not cause our pain, fear, or suffering, He is more than capable to turn these moments and events into opportunities to glorify and reveal His power and love to us and to the world.

Last Sunday we had the scripture in John's Gospel where Christ heals the man born blind.  This man was not born blind due to any fault of his own, nor any fault of his parents.  The man was not born blind due to God wishing to inflict suffering or discomfort, but out of this man's suffering Christ was able to convey to the world for all these many centuries, His love and grace upon this man and to us as an extension.  Praise God and believe that He is with you even in the darkest hour and remember... Spring is right around the corner!

I do want to let everyone know just what is going on with and between us and the Baptist Church.  There is as there always is a number of rumors and stories circulating around and many of these are either partially correct or perhaps entirely false.

As of last night, the combined Church and Christian Councils met to discuss our lending assistance to First Baptist Church.  It was agreed that while the Baptist congregation is trying to plot out their future that I would on alternating Sunday's provide them with a sermon and conduct their services at 9 am.  On these Sundays, my wife Gail will lead the Adult Sunday School Class here at Woodlawn.  The Combined Council voted that this arrangement will continue for the months of April and May and at that time the Councils will review the situation and make any determinations as to what we wish to do going forth.  The first Sunday that I will be assisting them will be April 2nd, this coming Sunday.  With this schedule of alternating Sundays (a gentleman from the Dayton Oaks Bible Camp will be preaching on the other Sundays) it would fall for me to be there on Easter.  The combined Council was not in favor of me being away from the Church for any duration of time on Easter Sunday and so it was decided that we should offer to the Baptist congregation the chance to come here to Woodlawn and join us in worship that morning.  I have discussed this invitation with Bill Hungate the Moderator from the Baptist Church and he felt that they just might take us up on our invitation.  A formal invitation will be extended this Sunday when I am there visiting with them and hopefully, they will accept our offer of common worship and fellowship.  I also invited them per the board's approval to join us for the Sunrise Service and breakfast. 

After the meeting, Roxy Crandall, Kim Anderson, and Gail Karlen our Membership/Fellowship co-Chairs decided that they wanted to make an exception to the requirement of membership at the Congregational Dinner on April 15th and invite the Baptist congregation to join us.  I was in agreement with this exception as I felt it was a wonderful gesture of Christian fellowship and compassion.  The members of the Baptist Church have been going through some very trying, challenging, and emotional times with the decision looming larger and larger as to whether to continue on or to close their much-beloved church; inviting them to join us as fellow Christians for a night of fun and fellowship is a wonderful gesture of empathy and love.  God bless the three of them for wanting to include the Baptist members.  On their and all of our behalf I have extended this invitation to Bill Hungate and the Baptist congregation, let us all welcome them with the loving arms of Christ Himself!

In this time of 'rain and storms' in the life of the Baptist Church here in Lake City, we find ourselves in the position to be for them the reassuring voice of God “do not be afraid, for I am with you”, as well as the caring and open arms of Christ our Lord and Savior.

Be a blessing to someone today!
In Christ!
Pastor Roy

PS: Please note all the things going on this month for EASTER!  We've got a very busy schedule and a lot of wonderful worship experiences ahead!  Praise God!

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