
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jim Bruce Addresses the Woodlawn Congregation, May 14, 2017

This past Sunday, I did something that I have seldom done while here at Woodlawn Christian Church, I turned the pulpit over to another speaker to address the congregation during our time for the weekly sermon.  Jim Bruce a lifelong member of Woodlawn Christian and Lake City's resident historian took the pulpit to discuss our role in the future of Christianity in Lake City and by extension beyond.

Jim addressed the responsibilities that we bear as Christ's Disciples to this world and the empathy and compassion that we must exercise toward others.  Specifically, Jim addressed how we must respond to the needs of the First Baptist Church here in Lake City.  Though it is unknown what they will decide to do and what the future holds in store for their congregation, no matter what it may be we as fellow Christians must stand shoulder to shoulder and support them and their journey.

Thank you, Jim, for your candor and wisdom.  We all were moved by your sincerity as well as your message of grace and love.

We all need to remember...
To be a blessing to someone today (and every day)...

In Christ,

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