
Friday, May 26, 2017

Woodlawn Christian Church - June Newsletter Article

Below is my article for the June Newsletter, thank you for taking a look through my little corner of the internet.

Be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

Pastor's Ponderings / Pastor Roy Karlen 
Woodlawn Christian Church, June 2017

John 10:16 King James Version (KJV)
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

To use an overused expression, 'Time Flies', it's hard to believe we're almost out of the month of May.  We've been very busy this month and of course being busy will make time go along at a dizzying pace.  June looks to hold it's share of busyness as well, with the upcoming “Baked Steak Dinner” and then the very next weekend we'll have an outdoor worship service followed by another Cookout.  Our last outdoor service was just wonderful, I just pray that we'll have comparable weather this time as well!  Make sure you invite your friends and family to both the Baked Steak Dinner and the Cookout.  The cost for these events is; Baked Steak Dinner – full portion $10 or a half portion $6.  The Cookout is $7 per person.

Mel tells me he has a PA system that we can use during our outdoor worships and hopefully that will help everyone hear the keyboard and the sermon a little better than they were able to during the service on May 7th.  While the weather is nice we'd like to have several services on the lawn, perhaps one a month through the summer/fall.  Pray for great weather on Sundays this summer/fall!

On June 25th we will not have our regular worship and we'll gather along with the other local churches in worship in the Square.  That service will be at 11:30 am, the Ministerial Association moved the time this year in order to allow Lorinda Hoover from the Lohrville/Lanesboro/Glidden Methodist to take part.  We're still working on what all will be in the service but I will be giving the message that morning.  Hopefully, it will be another beautiful morning as it has been the last two years that I've been here and taken part.

We are making great strides in preparing for the concert in September and the Concert Committee decided to give the event a proper name.  From now on the concert is “Son Celebration”.  The date will be September 16th and hopefully, everything will fall in place to allow us to host the event on the Church grounds.  Jeff Frank is working hard on trying to get a grant from the Region to cover the cost of moving electricity to the outside of the Chapel which will allow us to power up the bands.  Bill Spangler-Dunning assures me that the grant will be no problem and thus we are very confident that the event will be held here at the Church.  This is a much-desired turn of events as it will make the concert more visible to the community and help with attendance as well as show more clearly that we're active and vital here in Lake City.

We have t-shirts for the “Son Celebration” in the Church office and we'll also have them available during Sunday worship.  These shirts are free, all we ask is that you wear them everywhere you go in order to promote the “Son Celebration”!  Promotional balloons have also been ordered for the event and we're planning on handing them out during the parade for Western Days.  Anyone who would like to hand out balloons during and along the parade route, please let either Jeff Frank or myself know, THANK YOU!  Also, if anyone knows where I can refill a helium tank please let me know, I have a helium tank in the garage from my Jaycee years but it is empty at the moment.

16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

By now everyone is most certainly aware that the First Baptist Church has asked to meet with our Church Council to discuss their becoming a part of Woodlawn Christian Church.  The details of this action have not been worked out but Mel Alcox and Bill Hungate are working to schedule a joint meeting of our Church Council and the First Baptist Church's Board.  I can't tell you just what will be done between the two churches but I can tell you that if you have heard rumors about us leaving the Disciples of Christ denomination, that is patently untrue, there is absolutely NO discussion of that occurring;  likewise, we are NOT discussing changing the name of our Church.  Please do not let any of these rumors upset or concern you, please do understand that the Church Council will be working hard with the Board from First Baptist to find a way to be mutually beneficial to both congregations and much more importantly to the Body of Christ.  This is all a very positive thing and should be looked upon with great anticipation and joy that God is working among us and through us.  We ask our Lord to let us be His hands and feet... let us not be afraid when he answers our prayers and gives us a mission to attend to his flock.  Truly, we are one fold, with ONE shepherd... Jesus who is the Christ, who lived and died to save us all... may we work to be a blessing to Him and to all that is His.

Be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

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