
Thursday, October 26, 2017

November Newsletter Article 2017

Pastor's Pondering

Well, November is fast approaching, and once again the beginning of the hectic Holiday Season. It seems that no sooner than has November begun than we're rushing right into Christmas and then a New Year.  It's such a wonderful and hectic time of the year, and thank God for it all!

Just an update on some October projects, the 'Baked Steak Dinner' on October 19th was a great success and a huge thank you to everyone who pitched in and helped. Special thanks to Kim Anderson and my wife Gail for cooking and preparing the meal, it was delicious and everyone loved it very much!  The annual Hay Rack Ride on the 15th was a great outing once again and thank you to Nick & Rita Burley for providing the rack and pulling us out into the woods, and thank you to Clyde for setting up the bonfire for us. The 'Catch' training program has been well attended and the last meeting will be on October 31st.  On October 30th, Clyde and Donna Westcott, and Gail and I will be handing out treats in the Square for the “Trunk or Treat” event, if anyone else wants to dress up in costume and join us please feel free to do so the hours are from 5-7 pm.

Preparations are well underway for the upcoming God's Portion Sale on November 18th.  If you haven't been to the Sale for a couple of years, or if you've never been to this fun event, please make plans to attend.  It's an important part of our annual fund-raising efforts as well as a great lot of FUN!  Bring your items to be donated whenever you wish, the Church will be open on the 17th from 8 am on and we'll be here that afternoon setting up.  Set up is scheduled for 5 pm on Friday the 17th, all are welcome to come and help.  Thank you all in advance! Items to donate can be baked items, home crafts, gift certificates, or you name it!

On the 19th we have a very, very busy day in store.  That is the day of our Thanksgiving dinner which takes place immediately after the worship service. After the dinner, we'll move back into the sanctuary and have our annual 'Hanging of the Greens' also known as, decorating for the Advent and Christmas Season. This is always a fun and festive time and it's great to see everyone working around the Sanctuary decking it all out in Christmas spirit.

The Men's group will be meeting on Saturday, November 11th up at Sweet Things.  The meeting is at 7 am and please make plans to join us for a time of fellowship and ministry planning. The men will be helping Joyce & James Choate move on November 4th, if you'd like to help out with this project give me a call or talk to Joyce about how you can pitch in.

Sunday, December 3rd is the beginning of the 2017 Advent season and we will be doing a study in the Sunday Night Group (the Adult Sunday School will continue to work through the Gospel of John) I am in the process of developing the study so please stay tuned for more details to be announced in worship. If you've never attended the Sunday Night Group, please think about dropping in. We meet each Sunday at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall, after a light meal we go into a time of prayers & praise, sing a few songs together, and then spend time in a Bible Study, maybe watching a video or some other study. It's an informal gathering and a great time of fellowship, the type of study varies a bit, right now we're completing a study of the letter to the Galatians then transition into the Advent Study starting in December.

I have made contact with a Church in the Hurricane affected areas in Texas. Bill Spangler-Dunning put me in contact with the Regional Minister for Texas and she, in turn, put me in contact with the First Christian Church in Pasadena, TX. For those interested, their website is  There will be more information coming on this mission project so stay tuned for new developments and announcements from the pulpit.

On November 4th, the Hendricks family will be hosting Bessie Hendricks 110th birthday celebration here at the Church. Come on up from 2 to 4 pm and wish Bessie the very best! It will be great to have Bessie back in the Church building and we're all looking forward to the celebration.

Romans 15:13 
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

May you all have a wonderful November and remember to...

Be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

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