
Thursday, December 28, 2017

January 2018 Newsletter Article

I've updated the blog today with my Newsletter Article for the January 2018 Newsletter.

Be a blessing to someone today!

Pastor Roy

Pastor's Ponderings:

Well, it won't be long now, a new year is looming before us and will be here in just a few short days.  Another year has passed for each of us, we look back over the past year and we think of those that are no longer here with us, we lift each of them up in our prayers and though we mourn their passing from us we celebrate their birth into God's Kingdom.  As I sit and write this we have just concluded another funeral here at Woodlawn.  Just today we laid to rest on this very, very cold day one of our very best souls, Doris Hanks.  Doris will be greatly missed and even though it's been a number of years since she has been able to be an active part of our Church many, many remember when she was very involved with the functions of the congregation.

Funerals and funeral lunches are one of the ministries that we provide here at Woodlawn. Recently we hosted the funeral for Jeremy Caldeira. Jeremy wasn't a member here (though his mother had a loose affiliation with the Church having come to Bible Study and Sunday Night Group several years ago), but none-the-less, when asked we opened our doors to the family in their hour of need.  Later, I heard from one of our members that a member of the community had thanked them for our being so open and willing to bless others.  I thank you all for being the church in Lake City that doesn't shy away from opening our doors to any and all that are suffering.  You all are truly a blessing!  Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who worked on either or both of these funerals!  You are the saints among us!

A big thank you to Clyde for cleaning up the sidewalks and parking before Sunday service this past week!  Often Clyde doesn't get the recognition that he deserves as he's always here working hard on keeping this old Church building and grounds going, THANK YOU CLYDE!  

Our new sign is up along the Hi-Way, our thanks to Clyde and to Jesse Gorden for getting the sign erected.  Also, we all need to thank Scott Gorden for sandblasting, welding, and repainting the sign's bracket as a donation to the Church. The new sign with “Disciples of Christ & American Baptist” looks great and again a big thank you to all three of these fine men for getting it ready and installed!

The Chapel will be completely finished on January 9th when the organ is set up and ready to play.  Make sure you thank Bill Hungate and Clyde Westcott for all the labor they put into that project.  If you're yet to take a peek inside the Chapel, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, take a look!  It looks fantastic!

Once the Chapel is all ready to go we will be starting to use it for a worship service during the week.  We still have a couple of final details to work out with this service but we're hoping to kick off these services in January.  Keep your ears open for more information coming VERY soon!  (also pray that the weather in January is cooperative with trying to launch this new ministry)

Gail and I do want to thank each and everyone here at Woodlawn for your generous Christmas gifts.  We were overwhelmed!  Thank you all SO MUCH!  We are so very, very blessed that God led us here to Lake City and to Woodlawn.  Praise God for His guidance and praise God for all of you!

2017 was a wild ride for all of us, not the least of which was the merging of the First Baptist Church with Woodlawn.  What an incredible blessing that has become, if you haven't been up to worship for a while, come on in and join us.  There's a new energy and a new sense of devotion and joy that has developed.  Especially this last week's service was just a wonderful experience, don't miss out, JOIN US!

For those that are physically unable to join us, we have started “live streaming” the worship on Facebook.  If you'd like to try and view the service this way and don't understand the internet or Facebook but you have an internet connection and a computer, let me know and I or one of the other members can help explain it to you and get you set up so you can watch the service “live” on Sunday mornings.  You can also watch the sermons later in the week on my blog at:

With that I need to wrap this up so Brittanie can finish off this newsletter, please remember!

To be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

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