
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Jacy McAlexander 9/5/2000 to 5/16/2018

Yesterday I attended the funeral for Jacy McAlexander.  It was a difficult funeral for the obvious reason that a young life had passed... far, far, too soon... and after far, far too much suffering with a terrible illness.  We at Woodlawn Christian along with many other churches in this area have had Jacy on our Prayer List for a very long time.  In fact, I don't remember not having him on the Prayer List since I've been here at Woodlawn.

During the message yesterday Reverend Anita Bane touched upon the difficulty that we all face when we've lost a loved one and someone comes to us (genuinely trying to comfort us) and says something along the lines of "it was God's will", or some other as equally insensitive commentary.  This idea that God might 'will' the death of a young person or even that somehow God's Creation is furthered by the death of an innocent life is one that I've addressed before in my blog.  Several years ago I blogged about the death of Devon Hunzeker, a 16-year-old who was killed in an automobile accident. And even though here Jacy passed due to an illness, there are obvious correlations... neither's passing was willed by God.

I have posted the link to that blog post in hopes that something mentioned might help some of the individuals struggling with the question... the awful question of "why"...

I've also included below the link to the funeral service that I performed for Jeff Gorden here in Lake City.  In that service, I discussed this topic of untimely death in the message, and I also referenced Devon's death as well.

I do commend Anita on all that she's had to deal with and all the counseling and comfort that she has provided.  May God bless her and may God bless and comfort the McAlexander family.  Nothing that I or anyone can say can adequately console the McAlexander family, they will grieve the loss of Jacy for the remainder of their own lives, all that we can do is be there praying for them and offering reassurance and a shoulder to lean upon. Again I lift up my condolences and ask for God's strength and comfort for the family and for all of Jacy's friends and classmates...

Be a blessing to someone today!

In His Grace & Care,


Link to Blog Post - Funeral for 16-year old Devon Hunzeker

Link to Blog Post - Funeral for Jeff Gorden

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