
Friday, July 20, 2018

Vacation to South Dakota, God's Country

Gail and I took a few days of vacation this past week and went up to South Dakota so I could take in my 40th High School Reunion and then we traveled out to the Hills for a couple of days where my brother Merrill and his wife Karen joined us in going around and being 'tourists'.  

My reunion was a great deal of fun, and we had a good turnout over the two days of the reunion.  I just wish that more of the locals would have shown up, it seems that those who are far away are always more inclined to come to the reunions, I'm not sure why that is?

There are so many great things to see and so many great places to eat out in the Hills that it's hard to do justice to them all.  I will only mention the "Chapel in the Hills" and Sylvan Lake.  Neither of which had Gail or I ever visited but we really, really enjoyed seeing both. 

If you find yourself out in the Black Hills, make sure and schedule some time to visit the Chapel in the Hills, it's very beautiful.  Their website is located here: Chapel in the Hills

I did get a lot of great photos with my phone, who's camera I just love, even with my tremors this phone takes incredible photos.  I took this photo while in the "Needles", and I really love it.  The blue orb is not a spirit nor a UFO, it's a lens flare as I'm shooting right at the sun.  Still, it's a cool image of the sun blazing out of the rock formation... hope you enjoy it.

These two photos are from "Sylvan Lake", it is also a wonderful spot and a great location for photography... but, where in the Hills isn't it a great location for photography?

I really did miss preaching on Sunday, but I do want to thank Terry Watters who filled in for me and who I am told did a great job and delivered a great message.  Thank you, Terry!

And in closing another photo of the "Chapel in the Hills".


Be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,

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