
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

September 2018 Newsletter Article

September Newsletter Article - Pastor Roy Karlen

Pastor's Ponderings

Well, there have been a few mornings lately that have certainly felt like Fall was in the air and now I sit down to write my September Newsletter Article, so it must be official... Fall is coming sooner than later.  September means that all the kids are back in school and so much newness is about in their lives as they've advanced and for many, it's a very new beginning with moving up into middle school, high school, or college.  Even for us adults, it's exciting to watch our children and grandchildren going off on new adventures.  The Youth Group will be starting soon and as I have done in the past, I will be helping Janelle over at Union Church by teaching one of the classes.  This year I will be tasked with teaching a group of 4th-grade boys.  I am looking forward to this new group and the new challenge and hope it will be a great year for the students I am charged with.  I've always enjoyed working with children and even though it can be frustrating it is vastly rewarding.

Our Youth Sunday School starts up again on September 9th, and we all need to thank Jodi for all the hard work she puts into teaching the little ones.  If you know of any little people (or big people as well, we're always excited to get more adults in Sunday School) that might be interested in coming to Sunday School invite them to come and see us on September 9th at 9 am for the kick-off to a new season of learning about our loving and grace-filled God!

We really have no greater responsibility as a Church than the education and molding of our youth.  There is no future for the Church if there are no children learning to carry on our faith in the future.  Each of us no matter, if we have children or grandchildren of our own, has a responsibility to these young children among us.  Also, each of us by the way we live our lives and how we treat these children is, in fact, influencing and teaching these little ones.  This Thursday night during our Thursday Evening Worship, I will be preaching over the verses found in James 1:17-27.  These verses among so many others found in Scripture urge us to behave in a Christ-like fashion.  Remember, that we behave as such not only for our own sake but much more-so for the sake of the children who are watching and learning from us day by day.  Always be a reflection of Christ to those around you.

I will be away for a while in September, Gail and I will be leaving for vacation on September 13th and will be away until September 19th, I will be back in the Church on September 20th.  We are going to spend some time visiting my 'roots' up in Wisconsin where the Karlen family were among the founders of the Cheese Industry.  My great-grandfather Christian Karlen and his brothers were cheesemakers and immigrated from Switzerland to Wisconsin, bringing their craft along with them.  The building that they used is crumbling now but still, there, my brother and I are planning to go and visit it while we're in Wisconsin.  We'll be attending the Wisconsin Cheese Festival while we're there and I'm really looking forward to it!  True to my Swiss roots I do love cheese!

Once again, I need to put a plug in for the Thursday night Service.  If you haven't been to one, by all means, come on up at 7 pm on Thursday night and see what's going on.  So far, everyone seems to really enjoy the services, if you can't make it but still want to be involved, it is 'Live-Streamed' on our Facebook page.  Either way, please do try to take it in and please tell a friend or family member to come up and visit us on Thursday night (or Sunday morning).  Remember that on the 4th Thursday of the month there is a meal before the evening worship.  We sit down to eat at 6 pm and once we're done we move into the Chapel for worship.  These meals are either hosted by a member/members or we do a free-will offering.  The meal in September will be hosted by Judy & Bill Hungate, thank you, Judy and Bill!!

We'll be having a Church Clean Up day on September 8th, that morning we'll start at 8 am and work on various projects around the church.  Clyde is putting together a list of projects and there will be things that will be slated towards every skill and ability level.  Don't feel like you can't contribute, there will be all sorts of things to do.  If you know of something that needs attention, let Clyde know so he can add it to the list.  At noon, we'll stop and have a meal together, the meal will be hosted by the Men's group.  Please mark your calendars for the Clean Up Day, and let's work to fix, clean, and prepare the Church for fall and winter!  Plus we'll feed you, so it's all good!!  Thank you ALL!

With that, I think I'll wrap up this article for September.  Please do remember though... each and every single day to “be a blessing to someone”!

Be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,  Pastor Roy

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