
Monday, March 4, 2019

March Newsletter Article & More Reflections

I've attached below my Newsletter Article for the March Newsletter.  We've had a very interesting last couple of months with our weather and I'm certain we are all praying that it will just stop SNOWING... and being COLD!  As we look at the week ahead it doesn't look like we're going to have any warm weather at all and there appears to again be a chance for snow and ice by weeks end.

But just as we know that spring is right around the corner, we know that this week, this Wednesday, the Lenten season kicks off and the hope, grace, and resurrection of our Lord is right around the corner.  Praise be to God!

Be a blessing to someone today!

In His Grace,

Pastor's Ponderings

If you aren't getting tired of winter yet, well... you're definitely in the minority here in the Midwest. It has been a winter to remember thus far with far too much snow and cold for most of our liking. We've had a number of cancellations of the Thursday night service, Sunday night service, and unfortunately Sunday morning as well. As I type this it's still snowing outside and hopefully, it will stop sometime this afternoon so we can clean the walks again as far as total snowfall, this one looks to be one of our largest of the season. Plus, they're predicting more snow for the weekend... you've gotta love the Midwest in winter. I know we've thanked Clyde before for his efforts on snow removal but we sure better keep lifting him up because he's a very vital part of our ability to function here after each snow storm. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Clyde!

The Concert Committee has set the date for the Concert as July 27th starting at 5:30 pm and plans are under-work to make this our best year yet. There will be a few changes and we're bouncing around some new ideas. At this writing we have booked two acts already, the 'Headliner' will be Jill Miller who performed for us last year as our second act. This year she will bring her entire band and will put on a great show. Everyone loved her last year when she performed an acoustic set and we're excited to hear her with her full band! Our second act will be Lisa Larsen a/k/a as 'High Heel', Lisa has been performing for nearly 30 years and is mostly known in the secular scene but she's recently taken on a more Christian focused performance. She will be bringing an unknown number of band members with her as she told me she has several friends and family members in the industry that want to come with her just to do our Concert. Lisa has a great deal of energy and I think you're all going to love her, she has a great testimony about her faith and she promised to share it with us all. Lisa has a wonderful voice and in fact, I had barely gotten the video of her singing started when Kathy Holm exclaimed: “she's good, hire her!” If Kathy says she's good well that says it all in my opinion! As I type this we're still working on booking an opening act but, I don't think you'll be disappointed with the opening act either. Please start telling everyone to make plans to come to this year's “Son Celebration” on July 27th right here at Woodlawn!

As I've been working on this article, I have received notice that Roxy Crandall has fallen again and unfortunately, she has now broken both bones in her lower leg. To make matters worse, this is the opposite leg from the bone she broke earlier in the year. Scott and Roxy are as I type headed to Des Moines where Roxy will be having surgery. As you all know this will take a long time for her to heal and we need to make/keep Roxy as a regular part of our daily prayers.

Tomorrow will be our February Soup Supper and I want to thank Kim Anderson for all her hard work on this event. I also want to thank all those who've pitched in and helped with all the other aspects of this important fundraiser. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Hopefully, the weather won't be a hindrance and we will have had a great turnout.
March 6th begins the 'Lent' season for us in 2019 and that evening we will have our Annual Ash Wednesday Service at 7 pm. We're getting a late start on the Easter Season this year but that's okay, maybe that will ensure that we'll have better weather for the Cross Raising and the Easter Egg Hunt... maybe, it will even be warm enough to have Sunrise Service out by the Cross this year! Please pray for that! Make plans to come and kick off the Lent season by attending the Ash Wednesday Service.

Lent begins, of course, the most Holy time of our Christian year and there can be no better time to implement a new practice of prayer or a daily time for Bible reading or reading a devotional. Think about adding something new to your daily faith journey!

As always... be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ, Pastor Roy

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