
Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2019 - Newsletter Article - Pastor's Ponderings

Below please find my article for the August 2019 Newsletter.  July was a bit of a wild month with both the Concert and VBS packed into it.  In addition, I did spend some time at the DOC General Assembly down in Des Moines.  Gail and I also snuck away for one day to make a long weekend up in the Twin Cities, however, we ended up coming back sooner than planned in order to perform a funeral.

In August, we have a bit quieter month coming up and that's okay.  But, quiet is good sometimes...

Be a blessing to someone today!!

In Christ,

Pastor's Ponderings

Well, our 4th Annual “Son Celebration” Concert is now a thing of the past.  Thank you so very, very, very much to all who worked so hard to pull this all together!  I'm not going to try to list all of the folks that pitched in because I'm scared I'll miss someone!  There were so many that gave of their time to make this happen.  I do want to thank the Concert Committee, so thank you to - Kathryn Myers, Kathy Holm, Kim Anderson, Gail Karlen, Mel Alcox, Jared Kuhlers, and Stephanie Kuhlers.  The committee did a great job this year in getting everything organized and selecting some truly, truly, truly amazing bands.  If you didn't come out for the event then you simply don't realize what you missed... it was a TREMENDOUS night.

The performers were “Will & Jane” who brought along their daughter and another musician to perform for us. You might remember that Willy and his wife Sarah Jane performed as our “Headliner” for our first two concerts.  Next, we had “Lisa Larsen” a/k/a “High Heel”, Lisa has such a powerful voice, she brought her praise band along with her and they really shined!  Lisa has performed professionally for many years in the Omaha area and all across Nebraska and Iowa.  This was Lisa's first foray into doing strictly Christian Music outside of the Christmas Concerts that she performs each year in Omaha. Last we had “Jill Miller” along with her band, Jill is a true professional and a top-notch performer.  You may also remember Jill from last year when she performed with just two of her band members, this year we hired her and her whole band... and what a performance they delivered!

I can't tell you which of the three were my favorites because they were all amazing!!  It was just a great event!  Each of the groups gave a powerful witness to the strength and faithfulness of God in their lives, so much inspiration to those who attended.  Our only disappointment was the number of people who decided to join us for the concert.  It's discouraging that so few from our own Church and the surrounding area avail themselves of this “Free” event.  To be totally honest we should be charging for this kind of concert and the tickets would not be cheap!  We need to pray as to how we reach and convince more people to attend and feel the power of God through the voices of these individuals whom He has blessed so much.  Please join us in praying to this end...

Last night our Vacation Bible School kicked off and what a rush!  We had 59 little people attending and it was so much fun to see them all so excited and having fun all while learning about the love of Christ.  By the time you read this, we'll already be done with VBS and I do want to thank Jodi and Janet, along with all of their MANY helpers!  It takes a lot of folks to pull of VBS and we are very blessed by all that pitch in and work to teach these children about God and His Kingdom.  Praise God!

In August, Gail and I will be away on the 11th.  That Sunday my friend Kevin Wagner will be filling the Pulpit.  Kevin was one of my classmates in the ELM program back in Nebraska.  He has a great preaching voice and a strong presence in the Pulpit, I've always enjoyed hearing Kevin preach and I'm sorry I will miss it.  Kevin grew up in the Glidden area and was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Glidden, his father is still a member there and Kevin visits him regularly.  Please make Kevin welcome and let him know how much you appreciate him giving you a break from hearing me preach!

The Men's Group had their drawing for the Raffle at the completion of the Concert.  Jill Miller and Lisa Larsen were kind enough to help me with the drawing.  Our prize winners were: Mark Hungate, Donna Lambert, Sue Rowley, Dan Morrow, Joan Schaffer, Doug Filmer, and Craig Hildreth.  Congrats to them all and thank you to all who helped by selling tickets.  Special thanks to Lonnie Daisy for all the time and effort he put in selling tickets!  He spent a lot of time manning the booth at the Dance during Western Days and then again at the Concert.

We had a great offering of bottled water during our July “Water Sunday”, with I believe a final tally of 20 cases being donated.  Don't forget that “Water Sunday” for August is August 18th.  If you bring a case of water and are unable to carry it inside just let one of the men know and we'll carry it into the Sanctuary for you.  I do want to also thank all the folks that helped carry the cases of water to the basement, my knees truly thank you!

With that, I am going to close and forward this article to Brittanie.  Please, please remember... to...

Be a blessing to someone today!  Pastor Roy 

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