
Thursday, September 5, 2019

September 2019, Newsletter Article

Below please find my article for the September Church Newsletter.  Fall is such a great time but it feels like it's starting too soon this year, let's just hope it's a late winter!

Brittanie updated the website this week so please take a look there if you haven't recently.

Woodlawn Christian Church

Please take a look through the Newsletter article and remember to...

Be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,

Pastor's Ponderings:

Well, the last few mornings have certainly carried with them the sense of “Fall”, the days are starting to shorten ever so much and we start to think about our fall and winter projects.  Discussions about the “Hay-rack Ride” and the “God's Portion Sale” are beginning.  If you'd like to help out with either or both of these give me a call.

On September 4th, the Youth Group starts up again and I will once again be helping out as a leader for one of the classes.  I think they're still looking for some assistance so if you are interested in helping with Lake City's Ecumenical Youth Group, contact Janelle Nesbitt and see where there is a need.  I will have the same group of boys that I had last year and I'm looking forward to hearing about their summer and seeing how much they've matured since last spring.

Woodlawn's Youth Sunday School kicks off on September 8.  Jodi has a special event/treat planned for that morning (ICE CREAM) so if you have a little one or know any little ones who would like to attend Sunday School this year, make sure to round them up and have them here on September 8 at 9 am for the Sunday School kickoff!  One of the most (absolutely most) important things we are to do as Christians is to teach and develop the next generation of Christians.  Programs like 'Youth Group', 'Sunday School', and 'Vacation Bible School' are really and truly the primary efforts we are to make are to ensure the continuation of Christ's Church into the future.  Without these efforts, the hours, the frustrations, the smiles, and sometimes the tears... we would fail to be within a generation.  It is our task to ensure this does not happen... thank you to all of you that support the youth ministry here in Lake City in any way at all.  You all are important and THANK YOU!

With all of our youngsters off to school now, we've also sent our college folks off once more.  Please pray for all of them and continue to support them as they work to prepare themselves for what life holds in store.  We are especially sad to have sent Spencer Moon off to college as it means we're down to our second-stringers for the soundboard.  Hopefully, Scott and Clyde can pick up the slack and make up for the absence of Spencer during our worship services.  We are all excited to see how Spencer continues to succeed as he goes off to start his collegiate years in Track and Cross Country.  We're all certain that he will not only make his Aunts proud but all of us here at Woodlawn.  Go get'em, Spencer!

We do have a Church Clean-Up Day planned for September 14th, the Men will be having their monthly meeting that morning at 7 am and then directly following at 8 am we will start working around and inside the Church.  If you're able to help at all for any amount of time, please come up and assist in maintaining our Church property.  If you want to know more give Claude a call, Thank you!

We do have a wedding coming up in September, Blake Frank and Jessica McGuire will tie the knot on September 28th.  I am very happy and excited for them both, they completed pre-marital counseling with me a while back and I found them to be a great couple and I have no doubt that they will have a long and happy life together.  God bless them and their union!

Just as an advance warning, I will be out of the Church from October 7th through the 9th.  I will be up in St. Paul, MN attending a seminar on “Preaching”.  If there is a need to contact me during that time, please try to text me rather than calling as I will be in classes or meetings for much of the day and into the early evening hours.

Well, that's about all I have to say for this Newsletter.  I hope that this correspondence finds you all well and blessed and remember as always to...

Be a blessing to someone today! (and every day!)

Pastor Roy

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