
Monday, September 30, 2019

October 2019 - Newsletter Article

Below Please find my October 2019 Newsletter Article.

Pastor's Ponderings

October is closing fast upon us and that means it's nearly time for our Annual Hay-rack Ride.  The Hay-rack ride this year is scheduled (weather & harvest permitting) for October 20th.  We'll meet at the Church at 2 pm and ride the rack together to Hickory Grove Park.  Hickory Park is such a cool location and makes for a wonderful place to have a bonfire and to sit, visit, and enjoy nature.  Of course, there will be hot-dogs roasted over the fire and smores.  It's always a fun outing and I encourage you to grab your friends, kids, grand-kids, or anyone else who's interested and come on along!  We guarantee you'll have fun!

In October, I will be out of the office on the 7th, 8th, and 9th.  I have a seminar in St. Paul on the “Craft of Preaching” that I will be attending as part of my continuing education.  I will have my cell phone along so you can contact me if need be, but, please if you're able and it's not an emergency try to text rather than call as I will be in workshops or worship services much of the time.

PLEASE, PLEASE, please... mark your calendars for October 6th.  We will be having a “Harvest Potluck Dinner” here at the Church.  The event will be immediately after worship so bring something along to share with everyone.  This would be a great time to bring a friend or family member along to church as the more the merrier for the dinner!  There's nothing better than a Church Potluck!!  Don't miss Sunday, October 6th!!

Also, for those in our Sunday Night Group, there will not be a gathering on the 6th.  I will be leaving for St. Paul sometime that afternoon and thus I won't be in Lake City that evening.  Please make sure to note this cancellation.  Thank you.

In October, we will be having a joint Council Meeting as set out by the By-laws.  The meeting of the Church Council and Christian Council will take place on October 16th rather than on the 9th.  This delay is again due to me being in St. Paul for the Seminar.  So, if you're on either Council please note this change in the meeting date.

Our Annual “God's Portion Sale” is slated for Saturday, November 23rd.  We will have a Committee Meeting after Worship on September 29th to kick off the solicitations for Auction items, if you'd like to be on the committee please come to the meeting.  Please make plans to be at this year's Auction, it's always a tremendous amount of fun and it's a very important fundraiser for the Church and our ministries.

Well, I need to wrap this article up so I will just leave you all with this final thought... remember that we all, each of us, have been created in our Lord's image and each of us, no matter who... is so precious to our Lord and Savior that Jesus came into this world and took on flesh in order to suffer and die for EACH of us.  You will never meet a human that God didn't (doesn't) love so much that He wasn't willing to suffer and die for them... Let's try and remember that when we're conversing and interacting with each other.  That person with whom you disagree, and who is annoying you to no end... is precious to your God... treat that person as such.

Be a blessing to someone today!  Pastor Roy

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