
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

November 2019 - Pastor's Newsletter Article

Below please find my article for the November Newsletter; I need to mention a couple of things that slipped my mind when writing the article.  Among the busy schedule of November, we also have our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 24th immediately after worship.  The Church provides the turkey for the meal and we ask everyone to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share.  It's always a great feast and a wonderful time of fellowship.  Immediately after the meal we then do our annual "Hanging of the Greens", where we decorate the Church for the Christmas season.  Advent begins on December 1st this year and this annual decoration celebration always prepares the Sanctuary for the coming of Advent.

Please mark your calendars and try to take part in both of these events on November 24th.  There's nothing better than fellowship and welcoming the Advent/Christmas season into the Lord's house.

Be a blessing to someone today!!
In Christ,

Pastor's Ponderings – November 2019

Well, we're quickly moving into November and what is one of our busiest months of the year.  November 9th will be the Men's meeting at 7 am, the men will be preparing for their “Baked Potato Bar” on November 10th.  Make sure to plan to stick around after worship on the 10th and enjoy a great lunch and help sponsor the Men's programs here at Woodlawn. Baked Potato Bar serving: Baked Potato w/choice of toppings, Dessert Bar &/or Ice Cream, plus a Beverage Cost just $6.00 per person.

November 9th will also be the day of Bessie Hendricks's 112th Birthday party.  Yes, Bessie will be 112 years old!  The party is here at Woodlawn from 2 to 4 pm, make sure to come up and recognize this amazing event for Bessie, the Hendricks family, Woodlawn, and the State of Iowa.  Bessie is the oldest soul in Iowa and a genuine piece of living history!  God bless her!

November 14th will be the “season opener” for our Annual Soup Suppers.  Watch for more details!  Make sure to thank Donna Westcott for agreeing to chair these Suppers this year.

On November 23rd will be our “Main Event”!  Don't miss our Annual God's Portion Sale!  This is a crucial event for the success of our yearly ministries and operations.  Please donate and attend to help make this event the huge success it has long been!  Thank you all!!

Please note that I will be taking Nov. 25-27th as vacation days.  Gail and I have a large number of her family coming to spend Thanksgiving with us and it will be good to spend some time visiting with them all and preparing for Thanksgiving Dinner.

This last Sunday we talked again about 'prayer', as we grow closer and closer to 'Thanksgiving', let us think more and more about lifting up prayers of thanks to our Creator.  It is so often said that we just can't thank God enough but it is so very, very true.  Each day lift up prayers of thanks and also remember to thank those around you who help you out and make your lives just a little bit better.

I want to thank all of you who have worked so hard here at Woodlawn, there are too many to list but I do want to thank everyone (especially Gloria and Roxy) who work to put together the funeral luncheons.  In October it seemed that we really got socked with funerals and to all of you who help with this ministry of grace to these hurting and mourning families I must say thank you.  

I do want to lift up a specific thank you to Clyde for all he does for Woodlawn and all that he does for Gail and I personally.  You my friend simply make my experience here in Lake City so much easier and enjoyable.  Thank you for all the times you pitch in and all the times you literally bail me out.  God bless you for all of these times and more to come!

As we grow ever closer to Thanksgiving we each know that just around the corner of the Calendar is that wonderful day in December when we celebrate our Lord's birth.  This year let's all make a concerted effort to allow the spirit of giving “Thanks” to properly prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord... Thanks be to God for His greatest and most timeless gift...

Be a blessing to someone today!
Pastor Roy

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