
Thursday, December 5, 2019

December 2019 Newsletter Article

Well, November was a crazy month and I topped it off by smashing and deeply lacerating my ring finger on my left hand.  Many have asked how I injured myself and it was simple carelessness on my part.  The finger (and the fingers on either side were smashed as well they just didn't get cut or broken) was injured on a machine used for joining picture frames and it's one I've used for 27 years without serious injury.  Therein lies the problem... I was too confident and unafraid... when we get too familiar is when we start taking shortcuts or hurrying... and I was doing both.

As we progress through this Advent Season, let's remember to not rush... nor be careless... nor take shortcuts... about our relationship with God.  Advent is a time when we should embrace the waiting as well as reflect upon the coming of the Christ Child.

Be a blessing to someone today!!

In His Glory,

Pastor's Ponderings

We made it through another November!  November is for us at Woodlawn always a busy and hectic time.  Our God's Portion Sale was another great success and I want to thank everyone who worked so very hard to pull off this oh so very important project.  I'm not going to even try to list everyone as there were just too many.  Thank you to all who pitched in and helped Donna to get the lunch ready as well as those who collected, donated items, purchased items, set up the room, clerked, cleaned, organized, or did any of the many things we don't really think about that need to be done.  Thank you all!!!

We also had a great meal last Sunday for our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.  This year Kim and Laura cooked the turkey, potatoes, and gravy, thank you, ladies! There was so much food that certainly nobody went away hungry!  After we ate we went up and decorated the Sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas Season.  Thank you to everyone who pitched in and decorated the Church in record time.  It was great to have Ryan Daisy home to help (his height comes in handy!) and it was great to have Paul and Tiffany McCoy helping us out as well.  Their four little ones also were a great help as were all of the rest of the little ones who were running around helping and keeping us all entertained.

I don't know if you've noticed but we've had a lot of little people in worship lately and there is little that should give us greater joy than seeing children in Church and being active in Church functions and projects.  Having said that, Jodi and her helpers are putting together another Christmas Eve Service and they should have a great gaggle of little ones performing.  If you know of any youngsters who aren't attending but who could (should) be... please invite them to come to Sunday School and Jodi will gladly include them in her program.  Rumor has it that at least one of the youth will bless us with their musical talents during worship on the 8th, so plan to be in Church on the 8th.

Our Annual Congregational Meeting (and potluck) is coming up on December 15th.  The meeting and potluck will be immediately following worship, this is an important annual event where we elect our leaders for the following year as well as set our Church budget.  Please plan to attend this important meeting.  The nominating committee is working to find a full slate of candidates and I believe there are a couple of jobs left to fill, if you'd be interested in serving in a leadership role please let Kathryn know.  There is (I believe) still one slot on the Christian Council to fill and you don't even have to be a member to serve on the Christian Council. (FYI, you must be a Church member to serve on either the Church Council or as an Elder)

That reminds me, also please remember that joining Woodlawn is an extremely easy thing to do, all that must be done is to tell either the Church Council Chair (currently Mel) or the Pastor that you'd like to join the Church.  Then, as long as you've been baptized, (if you're not we can baptize you in either a public or private celebration) you're a member!  Please also remember that you must be a member to vote at the Annual Congregational Meeting on the 15th.

I'm going to cut this article a bit short as my injured finger is making typing a real challenge.  I do pray that everyone has had a great Thanksgiving and I pray all will have a wonderful and Christ-filled Christmas.

Be a blessing to someone today!!  
Pastor Roy 

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