
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Pastor Roy's June 2020 Newsletter Article

Below please find my June 2020 newsletter article along with the 'Guidelines' that the Christian Council crafted for our worship times.

If you have any questions, please give me a call at the Church.  I am in the office every morning, please wait until 9:30 am to call however as I do the 'Daily Devotions' Livestream on Facebook at 9 am each morning. (Mon-Sat).

Thank you and as always...
Be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,

Pastor's Ponderings – June 2020

Well, it is just about June now and we're just about to get back to worshiping in the Sanctuary once more. If you haven't heard yet our plans (at this point in time) are to worship together on Sunday, June 7th. Please join me in lifting up a loud and joy-filled word of praise!! Thank You, Thank You, Heavenly Father!

Of course, coming together right now will require a few changes in our normal procedures. We have been asked by the State to implement a few precautions while gathering. Primary among these is the maintaining of 'social distancing'. Please do everything you can to maintain a distance of (at LEAST) six feet between yourselves and others. This distance of course only applies to those that you don't live with. Husbands and wives and small children and their parents can and will obviously be able to sit together and be within six feet of the other. Please, however, if you don't live with your adult children we ask that you abide by the 'social distancing' requirements.

You will find in this newsletter a list of “Worship Guidelines During Covid 19”. Though we might be tempted to find some of these 'guidelines' as excessive, trust me there are others that find them far too lax and even reckless. There is no doubt that some of these 'guidelines' are inconvenient and burdensome, however, this list was adopted by the Christian Council (with input from Dr. Eric Holm, Church Council Chairperson Bill Hungate, and myself) with the goal towards practicing love and caring for all our members.

The somewhat competing desires to join together and to keep our membership safe, are merged in these 'guidelines', and hopefully, these goals have been met. The Christian Council certainly understands that some will be concerned, critical, and perhaps even feel put-upon by these 'guidelines', but... please... please... please, keep your words loving and kind. Ultimately, these few rules will allow us to be together in community, in worship, and in praise... earlier than we might otherwise be able to do so.

For those who remain concerned, please do know that we will continue to live-stream all the worship services on Facebook and all of the sermons will be uploaded later to my personal YouTube Channel. If you need help getting yourself set up to watch online give me a call and we will do what we can to try to get you up and able to watch remotely.  So please, if you are concerned, please do remain at home.  We will pray for you and we will celebrate all the more once we are together!

We will be sending out a letter in the next few days going over the 'guidelines' and with a few directions as to which door(s) to enter and exit from worship. Please pay attention during worship for any and all instructions that I will be giving from the Pulpit to facilitate entering and exiting.

Please note that one of the requirements is the wearing of face-masks when entering and exiting (you can pull them down or remove them once seated). If you don't have a face-mask, Kim Anderson and Dorothy Bean are busy making a supply to have available for your use. Please if you pick one up, take it home and try to remember to bring it back the next week to wear once again.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to call me and I will try to explain things in greater detail.

Remember, God is ALWAYS faithful, God is ALWAYS with you... He will NEVER leave you alone. Together, we can and will (with God's help and preservation) get through these strange and trying times. Please remember the greatest commandment... to love God, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

In closing, I will share a saying that has been circulating online. Norma DeVries sent this to me and it encapsulates well the message I have been trying to get across in some of my recent sermons and devotions...

Be a blessing to someone today!!! Pastor Roy

As we start to open do you, I'll do me. That's what America's about. None of us have the same circumstances (medically high-risk child/ family member or business about to go under, etc.). Let's all stay in our own lanes and keep the judgment down as we begin to reopen. No one should feel pressured either way.
Just a thought... As governors are trying to figure out how to ease back into normal, please remember:
Some people don’t agree with the state opening... that’s okay. Be kind.
Some people believe this whole thing was unnecessary and overblown... that's okay, Be kind.
Some people are still planning to stay at home... that’s okay. Be kind.
Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening....that’s okay. Be kind.
Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes....that’s okay. Be kind.
Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have put off....that’s okay. Be kind.
Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job....that’s okay. Be kind.
Some will wear masks for weeks....that’s okay. Be kind.
Some people will rush out to get the hair or nails done... that’s okay. Be kind.
The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s okay. Be kind.

We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. Still, be kind.
If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!

Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind.

PS: Please try to do everything you can to patronize local businesses. Our friend's and neighbor's businesses have suffered unlike they have ever before. Please do everything you can to keep Lake City businesses going and thriving... they are a big part of what makes Lake City such a wonderful place to live. Be a blessing to them with your support. God bless!  Pastor Roy 


1. Masks covering your mouth and nose are required when entering the church building, masks are available if you do not have your own.   Once you are seated you may remove your mask, however, we do ask that you put the mask back on to leave the building.  If you are able to wear the mask throughout the service, that is recommended and much appreciated.

2. The application of hand sanitizer immediately before entering the building will be required.

3. Please maintain social distancing (6' minimum) and refrain from: hugs, fist bumps, shaking hands, etc. 

4. There will be a table located near the Church entrance where we kindly ask that you pick up your bulletin, offering envelope, pre-packaged communion cup (with juice & wafer), a face mask, and that you apply hand sanitizer (located on the table) BEFORE you enter the sanctuary. 

5. Please leave your offering in the offering plates located near the entrances to the sanctuary.

6. There will be wastebaskets near the sanctuary doors to discard your used communion cup.

7. Fellowship prior to and following worship has been SUSPENDED during this time. Socializing after church should be done on your own, outside of the church building.

8. The nursery will NOT be available during this time.  

9. Families who live together are allowed to sit in the same pew.  Please only seat one family per pew.

10. Couples are allowed to sit together with one (1) couple at each end of the pew. 

11. Single individuals should sit two (2) to a pew with one (1) at each end.

12. Every third pew is available. The other pews have been marked off.  Please only sit in the predetermined locations in order to accommodate the 'social-distancing' requirements.

13. We will be dismissing the congregation one row of pews at a time, beginning at the back of the Sanctuary and preceding towards the front.  Please remain seated until your pew is dismissed.

14. All services at Woodlawn will continue to be live-streamed via Facebook.  If you remain concerned about joining us in person, you are very much welcomed to watch and participate in the service online.  Pastor will continue to live-stream the 'Daily Devotions' on FaceBook until worship is back to normal.

15. There will be no Adult nor Children's Sunday School until further notice and consideration by the Christian Council.  There will be no Sunday night activities until determined by the Christian Council.

16. If you are feeling ill, if you have a cough, fever, or a runny nose, we ask that you please not attend worship until you are feeling entirely well. Please allow 10 days after last known fever and if you have had respiratory symptoms, please allow for improvement in respiratory function.

The leadership of Woodlawn sincerely and graciously thanks you for your cooperation and generous understanding during this difficult and controversial time.  God bless and please... Be a blessing to someone today!

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