
Thursday, July 5, 2012

A bit of Art for today.... this is fun!

Well today I just wanted to share something fun that I stumbled across.  This looks like a blast to me but I always did hate rubik cubes.  LOL

And of course the fact that the image is Dr. King makes it even more special to me.  Wish Jesse was here to see this one, he'd have absolutely loved it. Bless you Jesse!

Have a blessed day and be the blessing!

Pete Fecteau used over 4,000 Rubik’s Cubes to create this 18′ 6″ x 9′ 8″ mosaic of Dr. Martin Luther King. Apparently Rubik’s-based artwork is a “thing.” There’s Rubik’s Einstein, Lincoln, Sitting Bull, Kathy Lee and Hoda(?). There’s even a name for the genre: Rubikcubism.

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