
Monday, July 2, 2012

Prayers PLEASE!


While the doctors were in doing surgery, they discovered that the fungus HAS spread, so as a result, they had to remove more of his legs: the left one they took to just above the knee joint, the right was up into the femur--don't know how far. He was running a fever so the only other thing they did was to put pins into the fractures in his hands. They are trying to kill the fungus with both bleach and anti-fungals, but so far it is NOT working. Please pray that the meds will begin to work. John has asked us to PRAY FOR A MIRACLE! That is what they need.... 

He also shared that though they have gotten some physical rest, they are all so emotionally and mentally drained--so let's continue to pray the our Lord will graciously give them the rest that they need for each moment. And let's lift up Anna in a special way as she deals with this new discouraging development. 

Pray for Jed and the family this morning as he heads to surgery to clean his wounds, to remove stitches in his nose, and to insert a line which will deliver pain meds to his lower body. Please also pray his pain will be minimal and that God would further strengthen the family.

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