
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Short Update

I just wanted to post a brief update today as it's been a spell since I put up a blog post.

By now everyone has heard about the tornado damage here in Nebraska as well as the damage up in South Dakota in and around Wessington Springs.  Well Monday night here in Omaha several local Pizza Shops did a fundraiser for the tornado victims in and around Pilger.  So Gail and I pushed our workout night to Tuesday in order to go to 'Old Chicago' to be a part of the fundraising effort.  I hear that all told the various restaurants raised over $72,000 that night.  I can believe it as our waiter told us that his restaurant had raised over $10,000 so far that evening.  We did go pretty late in order to miss most of the crowd, so I suspect they were about done for the night.

Friday I will be taking the day off of work in order to go with the Baptist Church from Norfolk to Wakefield, NE.  Wakefield suffered significant damage along with Pilger, but unfortunately since Pilger has gotten most of the press Wakefield has had fewer groups coming in to help out.  I'm looking forward to lend whatever help I can that day and hopefully it will make a difference to at least one or more of the good citizens of Wakefield.  Please continue to pray for those affected by the storms as it will be a long, long process for many of them to get back to any resemblance of normality.

I don't have much time to blog right now as we're busy here at the shop this week but I did want to report on my mother and mother-in-law (Mary).  Mother had a mild heart attack as I reported in my last blog post but she's bounced back and she's as fit as a fiddle once more.  There was no blockage that required treatment so they gave her some medication for clotting and she's good to go.  This past Sunday my mother-in-law suffered a fall in which she broke her right wrist and broke some bones in her cheek.  She has some disability on her left side from previous strokes and not having the use of her right hand is a real problem as her left hand isn't much use to her. 

Mary has been in the hospital but will be going to a Nursing Home today.  She'll have to be at the Nursing Home until she is able to regain some function in her right hand.  All prayers for her healing would be much appreciated.  Mary is a couple of months younger than my Mother but having suffered from strokes she is in much poorer health.

I'll come back and blog again after going to Wakefield on Friday.

May you all have a wonderful and richly blessed week.

In His Abiding Love & Grace,

Here's a video link from Pilger showing an entire house being picked up and tossed to the side.  Incredible!

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