
Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's all about how we look at life...

Well, today certainly was a productive day at the Karlen household.  This morning Gail and Maddie were not feeling well, so I went to Benson Baptist by myself for their 8:30 am service.  I was running late and on top of that when I came to the Maple Street exit I discovered that Maple Street heading east was closed for repairs.  Now let me admit that for a second I thought about hopping the curb and driving through the vacant lot that was there and around the section of street that was torn out, these are the kind of thoughts that one has when one drives a large SUV.  But, my better sense came to my rescue and I instead detoured west to 108th Street and jumped onto Blondo Street, and from there continued my eastward journey.  All in all I was only a few minutes late and I wasn't the only one sneaking into the back rows at that time anyway, so it all worked out just fine in spite of the detour.

After Church I came home and started working in the yard.  It was only by good fortune that I chose to do the yard work early in the day as this afternoon a pretty good storm rolled through with winds gusting to 70 mph.  It seems we've gotten into one of those routines where we have bad weather every Sunday afternoon.  

While Maddie and I were outside working on the yard, she discovered three baby blackbirds that had fallen out of their nest.  One was dead, one looks to be injured and one seems no worse for the wear of falling out of the apple tree which they were laying underneath.  Look as I might I was unable to detect any trace of a nest in the tree.  But, that tree has very dense foliage and has branches going every which way, so it was no real surprise that a nest could be completely hidden.

I picked the two live birds up for Maddie and put them in a shoebox for her.  Once I'd finished the yard work I then ran to Petco and got a box of small mealworms which Maddie has spent much of the afternoon and evening feeding to the remaining two baby birds.  Realistically, I don't think the one that is injured will make it through the night, but the other is very lively and just might have a chance if Maddie is able to keep it fed and watered.

After finishing the yard, I gave Gracie our elderly Cocker Spaniel another bath.  She's become somewhat incontinent in her old age and we have to crate her at times and limit where she sleeps now.  I really have to stop and reflect on sweet Gracie.  Gracie is just the happiest little old lady you could ever hope to find.  Even though she has a long list of infirmities related to her advanced years, she is just completely content and never lets her limitations get her down.  Her face is entirely white with age, but her eyes are bright and when she sees you her tiny stump of a tail goes a hundred miles an hour.  She seems to love life in spite of all the maladies that plague her in her old age.  Quite honestly, I think if she were any other dog we'd have had her put down by now.  Certainly she has enough issues that we could justify it in our own minds, but gosh darn it all, she is just so happy and doesn't seem to be suffering nor in pain.

There is certainly a lesson to be learned from sweet petite Gracie, attitude is extremely important in how we approach any and all limitations in life.  A sad reality of all of ours is that as we age, we will encounter more and more limitations and infirmities.  But, we can choose to not allow those things to define us nor to limit our enjoyment of our lives, and those around us.  Gracie just adores our daughter Maddie and she is thrilled that she is now back home and at times it seems for her just being around Maddie makes everything else worthwhile.  Look to the good in your life, look to that thing that brings you joy, that thing you love, that thing that makes all the troubles that life can bring seem small and insignificant.  Now hopefully for most of us there is a long list of things that we can look to.  I prayerfully hope that for each of you reading this post that your love of God and the ability to enjoy His creation is near the top (if not the top) of your list.

Often the 'Motivational Gurus' tell us to write down our goals and aspirations, like them, I encourage you (I know that I will today) to write down all those things in your life that make it all worthwhile.  The mere act of writing it down will strengthen you when you find that life is getting you down.  Just remember little Gracie, if anyone has a reason to be tired and ready to give up on life it must be her.  Yet sweet precious Gracie just keeps on going and keeps on loving all of her family in spite of her failing health.  She's an inspiration as well as a remarkable little dog.

While writing today I've been listening to this group that I stumbled upon quite by accident.  I really enjoy their music and I'm going to have to Google them and learn more about them.  Take a listen, I think you'll enjoy it.

Earlier today, I learned that my mother had a small heart attack during the night.  She's doing fine today, but last night my youngest brother drove her to the hospital in Chamberlain, SD.  They are hoping to release her in the morning, though she will likely be going to see a specialist in Sioux Falls as soon as possible.  I would very much appreciate any and all prayers for healing for her.  She's been in remarkably good health for an 87 year old woman up until this incident.  To be honest though, I'm not too worried about her.  She's always enjoyed robust health and I know she'll bounce back quickly.  Her father had a heart attack in his sixties and then lived to be ninety-seven without another incident with his heart.

May this day find you all well and filled with the spirit of love and the unfailing grace of our Heavenly Father.

In His Care,

6/2/14 Update:  I have not heard yet if Mother has gone home but, I am happy to report that both baby birds survived the night and seem to be much stronger today.  I am frankly shocked, but Maddie tells me she woke up in the middle of the night and fed them again, so perhaps they'll actually make it through.

6/2/14 Additional Update:  My sister Julie tells me that they are taking my Mother to Sioux Falls today for more testing.  My cousin Jeff is a Doctor in Sioux Falls and he apparently has gotten somethings lined up for her.

6/3/14 Update:  My Mother had an angiogram but everything looked fine.  They are just going to put her on medication no stints were needed.
Sad to report both of the baby birds died yesterday.  Wild babies just don't do well without their mothers.

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