
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Saying Goodbye and Celebrating Re-Birth

Last week a family friend from back home (Reliance, SD), Lowell Surat passed away quietly at his home.  There was a prayer service Sunday night, and the funeral was Monday morning, both services were in Chamberlain, SD.  After the funeral, the internment was in the cemetery near Reliance, SD and after the burial there was a luncheon and fellowship time in Reliance.

The prayer service Sunday night, was very touching; with folks sharing stories and memories of Lowell.  Lowell, was a man with a strong Christian faith, and he was likely the happiest person I've ever known.  In fact that was his nickname, from his childhood through the remainder of his life, he was known as 'Happy' or just 'Hap' to many.

Lowell's life was a great testimony of enduring during adversity.  He had suffered from poor health for many years of his life and his attitude was a testimony for those that were fortunate enough to know him.  I wasn't aware until recently, of all the struggles that he and his wife had endured due to Lowell's poor health.  But, through all these challenges everyone talked about how happy and positive he was able to remain.  I know that the few times through the years that I'd been back home visiting, and had run into Lowell, I don't remember him even once complaining about his health and he was always in a great and upbeat mood.

It is individuals such as Lowell and Connie, that we should look to as role models in our lives.  For you see it's easy to be gracious, charitable, kind and cheerful when you are in good health, fortune and without want or pain.  But, it's those people who are the model of kindness, joy, love and grace when their own lives know so much suffering that are the true reflections of what God wants us to be in this world.  Not that God wants us to suffer, (if you've read this blog at all you know that I do not subscribe to the theology that God makes us suffer) but rather that in these individuals we see genuine joy, kindness, charity and grace for it radiates from the kernel of the divine that resides in their hearts, not from their ego wishing to put on a display of their generosity.

Now please don't think that I'm saying that individuals in abundance cannot harbor the Holy Spirit within them.  By all means the wealthy can and do give out of compassion and through the grace of God working through them.  I am however, more likely to believe it's God and not ego, when their giving and charity is done as quietly as possible, or even anonymously.

I have always been one who believes in going to funerals.  To me it is a time to show respect for the loss of your friend. relative or loved one; it's a time to be there to support the family and friends who are now dealing with the loss and the grief of death; but perhaps most importantly for me I go to recognize and rejoice in the 'birth into heaven' of the one who has passed.  Funerals often are considered primarily as times of mourning but that really should not be such.  How wonderful it is that our cherished one has passed from this world into the very presence of God the Father.  Praise God!

Personally, I have told my family that at my funeral I do not want tears of grief, but tears of joy and celebration.  For I shall be having the time of my life and I want none to be filled with sadness over my passing.

Now don't get me wrong of course we mourn the loss of our loved ones, we have lost that relationship as we knew it in this world.  I still mourn the loss of my Grandmother Karlen, my Father, my Mentor Jesse, and many others.  But as I mourn them, I sing a song of praise in my heart for their presence in Heaven.

This past Monday, we gathered to celebrate Lowell's entry into Heaven and his reunion with our all gracious and all loving Lord.  Praise God!

I was happy after the funeral to have the chance to visit briefly, with an individual who was very dear to me in my youth.   This is a person who has held a place in my heart for the better part of forty years now, and it did my soul a great deal of good to learn that she is in good health and spirits.  I pray that she and her family will continue to enjoy good health and prosperity.  It was wonderful, to see that same smile that I remember from my childhood.

As I have said before in this blog, one of the things that bothers me about my life, is having lost contact with so very many of the people I have held dear through the years.  Unfortunately, staying in contact is a very difficult thing to do, and I'll confess my own personality doesn't always help to further this desire to remain in contact with friends.  I'm not one who remembers to send cards either at birthdays or Christmas for that matter.  It seems I get too busy, and I just don't think about these things.  Couple this with the fact that for most of my life, I have been a typical male who isn't free with stating his feelings for others.  I have tried to change this aspect of my personality, but I'll admit I sometimes slip back into my old ways.  We really should make sure and let others know that we care about them, and their well being, you just never know when it might be too late to do so.

With that I need to be running along.  I would ask that you all might continue to pray for;

Connie Surat - Comfort and Peace
Mary Alice Engleman - Healing and Strength
Kelly & Patti Wills - Healing and Serenity
Don & Laura Fletcher - Adjusting to new Situations
Sylvia Schafer - Peace and Comfort

Someday, I'll see old Lowell Surat again, and who knows maybe we'll work together again in the fields of heaven, or work cattle on the plains of eternity.  God Bless...

In God's Absolute Love & Grace,

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