
Monday, December 8, 2014

The Second Sunday of Advent - Peace

Today, Gail and I were asked to light the 2nd Advent Candle, along with doing a reading, for the early service at Benson Baptist Church.  Last week the Hope Candle was lit, and today we were lighting the Peace Candle.  In a World that seems so filled with violence, it almost seems futile to speak of peace.  But, our view of this world is so fleeting that we fail to realize that the world has always been filled with violence.  Violence, is a horribly unfortunate side effect of the free will that we enjoy.  We are given the ability to decide for ourselves whether or not to do good, or to do evil in this world.  Sadly, each of us is affected in some fashion by those that chose unwisely, as well as those that follow the darker side of their souls.

It has been said that "Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God".  There is so much truth to this statement, and of course we cling to God as our strength in times of trouble.  

As I have said before in this blog, God does not cause bad things to happen in this world, but He can, and and so very often does, use these incidents to bring something good into this world.  Let us always prayerfully watch, for the opportunity to be God's hands and feet in bringing these blessings out of the ashes of human ego and destruction.

Jesus did not promise us a world of peace, but he left us his peace and he instructed us to not be afraid.

John 14:27(NIV)  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Today for Sunday School, we started off by taking our class down to the sanctuary to rehearse their lines for the Christmas Program, that will be next Sunday between the early and late services.  Unfortunately, not all of the children were there today, but the ones that were there were able to run through their lines with the microphone.  One of the girls that is reading is only in 2nd grade, and when she spoke into the microphone it was so loud that it frightened her.  We encouraged her to go on, but she wouldn't speak and just kept shaking her head 'no' with her eyes very wide open in fear.

I stepped up beside her, and told her she would be okay, and she then read her lines beautifully into the microphone.  She even pronounced 'Deuteronomy' perfectly.  I gave her a high five and she was now smiling.  It's such a joy to work with these children and witness their little victories.

If I might I'd like to continue to ask for prayers for the following individuals:

Lowell & Connie Surat - comfort and understanding
Mary Engleman - healing and encouragement
Don & Laura Fletcher - healing and reassurance
Sylvia Schafer - peace and comfort
Kelly & Patti Wills - strength and healing

Thank you all, and please remember to "Be a Blessing to Someone Today".

God's Grace & Love,

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