
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Installation Service - Woodlawn Christian Church

This past Sunday marked my official installation as the settled pastor here at Woodlawn Christian Church.  It was a great service and I thank Julie Gibson for coming and assisting with the event.  Julie is on the Regional staff and worked with the Search Committee for all the many years that it took for the search process to come to completion.  The church endured a much longer process than normal and Julie's kind assistance and guidance has been richly appreciated by everyone here at Woodlawn CC along with myself.

I was pleased to have a number of my family and friends make the trip to Lake City for the service.  My brother Merrill and his wife Karen, Susan Gillies (Past Executive Minister for the American Baptist in Nebraska), Kathy Brown (my late mentor Jesse's wife), Bob Molby (my current mentor) with his wife Marcie, my mother-in-law Mary Alice, Gail Ann and both Madeline and Creath were able to come as well.

Above is the video of the sermon which I gave during the program, and below is a video of Creath playing a violin solo of 'La Folia' by A. Corelli.

It was a wonderful service and I want to thank everyone at Woodlawn Christian for their faith in me and for calling me to come and reside and serve alongside them as their Pastor.  Thank you to Julie for all that she's done and thank you to Susan, Kathy, Bob, Marcie, Merrill, Karen, Mary Alice, Gail, Maddie and Creath for all their love, assistance and support.  Special thanks to Creath for playing his violin for the church.  Everyone was blown away and just loved his playing, they're all anxious for him to come back and play for them again.  Next time I will try and get him the music for the hymns that we'll be playing when he's here so he can be prepared.

May this blog post find all who read it fully blessed and well in our God's love and abundance.


In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Roy

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