
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sermon and a whole lot of driving around the Midwest...

The last few days have included for me a great deal of driving as well as a whole lot of seeing and visiting with friends and relatives.  On Thursday morning, I drove Madeline up to the airport in Minneapolis.  She flew to Toronto to meet up with her boyfriend Yves and his family.  For the next two and a half months, she's going to be visiting with them as well as searching for a job up there in order to acquire a work visa in Canada.  Once she finds a job and gets her visa she'll be able to apply to attend college in Canada and start working towards becoming an ultrasound technician.

Maddie Karlen, July of 2015
After leaving the airport, I spent a bit of time shopping and then headed south to meet up with a couple of old friends from college, Kent and Sue Haselhorst, who live on a beautiful acreage near Spring Valley, Minnesota.  I had a very nice visit with them at their home and then we went to the local Dairy Queen and had a bite to eat.  It had been almost exactly twenty-four years since I saw them last, and it was great to see that they've aged so well.

Kent and Sue Haselhorst, July of 2015
I stayed as long as I could and returned back to Lake City about midnight, I pray it won't be nearly as long before I have a chance to see them both again.  Thanks to you Kent and Sue for allowing me to call out of the blue and just drop in on you all.  God's love and blessings to you.

Friday morning I woke up, worked out in the garage and then cleaned up and headed to South Dakota.  My aunt Silvia passed away back in February, but she didn't want her service to be held until the weather was better for her family to travel.  I arrived in Oacoma, South Dakota at my brother Merrill's home around 5 pm and had dinner with them.  Later my sister Paula came over and we visited on Merrill's deck overlooking the Missouri until my old friend Greg Powell called me to come and meet him and his wife Terri for a drink at Cedar Shore.  It was wonderful to see both of them again, I do talk to Greg fairly regularly, but it's only once or twice a year that we actually see each other face to face.  Greg promised me that they are going to make a trip over to Lake City some Sunday to come to Woodlawn for a Sunday Service.  I pray they'll be able to work it out as I'd love to introduce them to the town, and the good people at Woodlawn Christian Church.  Greg and Terri, I love you both like family!

Greg and Terri Powell, July of 2015
 On Saturday morning, we all gathered at the cemetery near Reliance, South Dakota for my Aunt Silvia's memorial and interment service.  It was a small gathering of close family and the service was conducted at the cemetery.  After the rest of us left her son Perry buried the urn and then met us all at Al's Oasis in Oacoma for lunch.  It was a wonderful time of visiting and seeing cousins that I rarely ever see and honestly only see at funerals now.  Such unfortunately, is how things seem to go when you get to be middle aged.  Silvia was the last of the 'old guard' Karlen clan, there is only my mother Rosemarie and my Uncle Elton's wife Beth remaining and they of course both married into the Karlen clan.  

Once the visiting was done and everyone needed to get started home I headed to Sioux Falls, South Dakota where I met another dear old friend Kirk Jensen for supper at JL Beers.  Creath was working that evening managing the kitchen and he actually brought our food out to us at the table in order to say 'Hi' for a quick moment before having to get back to the kitchen.  I want to thank Kirk for buying me dinner, you're one of the best souls I know Kirk, God Bless you in abundance! 

I dropped several hints to Kirk that he needs to invite all of the old gang to come see him and his wife LaJean at their home near Beresford, South Dakota.  His home is about as close to the mid-point of travel distance, for the majority of us as one could ask for.  In case you didn't notice Kirk, I just dropped another hint.  LOL

Kirk Jensen, July of 2015
It was a tiring few days, but it was fantastic to see so many faces that I rarely get to see within such a short period of time.  I pray that it won't be as long between visits with all of you as it has been in the past.  Honestly, I've resolved that that won't be the case. 

After leaving Kirk in Sioux Falls, I drove back to Lake City and managed to get home just short of eleven at night.  All of this travel meant that I was a bit weary this morning during our service but it was still a great service and we had a very good attendance again this week.  God Bless all the souls at Woodlawn Christian, I really have fallen in love with this place and am so very thankful that the Lord has called us all together to serve him as partners.

Attached please find the video of the sermon, it was a continuation of last week's sermon and again I went the route of writing nothing down prior to the delivery.  There was no manuscript, no note cards, nothing written down nor even rehearsed.  I had formulated in my mind what I wanted to talk about and then I just started talking.  The only problem for me when doing this is I have no idea how long the sermon is going to be.  Also, I have to make sure and have it recorded as there is no manuscript to publish here or to place into my file of past sermons.

I pray that this blog post finds you all well and richly blessed.

In His Grace and Constant Care,
Pastor Roy

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