
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sermon from October 18, 2015 - Pastor Roy Karlen, Woodlawn Christian Church, Lake City, Iowa

Well, here is the video from this past Sunday's sermon.  Sorry that it's fractured into so many segments, the camera was giving Kim grief again.  I think it has been doing this because my phone's memory was getting too full, so I've uploaded all my photos to the cloud and onto my computer hard drive and deleted them from my phone.  Hopefully, this will take care of the issue and we'll get a clean one shot video of the sermon this week.

This Saturday, I'm traveling to Hartley, Iowa to take a 'Boundaries' training session.  The Disciples of Christ require that you have a boundaries class every three years and I haven't had a class over this since ELM, so I need to squeeze one in this year.  I'm looking forward to getting the chance to meet some more clergy members from Iowa and Minnesota.  This is a class being put on by the United Church of Christ, but it's open to all denominations.

It's late and I just finished a workout in the garage so I need to get ready and hit the hay.  I pray that this quick blog entry finds you all well and richly blessed.  For those inclined to watch the video of the sermon, I hope you enjoy it and that perhaps it will be of some value to you.

In Christ,

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