
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

If when reading Scripture.......

This past Sunday's Sermon was based on one of my own personal sayings... "If when reading scripture you never feel convicted, if you never see the hairy hand of God pointing a fat finger right back at you... well then you're not paying close enough attention."

Though scripture may 'convict' us, and God may 'judge' us, it is we alone who 'condemn' us.  God does not wish to be separated from even one of His little ones.  If we find ourselves in isolation from God, it is we who have condemned ourselves. This quote from C.S. Lewis pretty well sums it all up...

I've attached the video of the Sermon, it's in two parts once again and I apologize for that.  I thought it was a pretty fair sermon and I hope if you take the time to listen that you'll perhaps gain something from it.

With that, I will let you all go, and retire for the evening.

Be a blessing to someone today!!

In Christ,

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