
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sermon on Fear, October 4th - Pastor Roy Karlen at Woodlawn Christian Church, Lake City, IA

Photo taken from the Facebook page of Prairie Sanctuaries
Check them out he takes the best photos of country churches!

This past Sunday, I preached over "Psalm 91".  The sermon focused on 'fear', we are often afraid in this life and repeatedly we are told to not be afraid and to have faith.  Well, the problem with that is, as I outline in the sermon that faith is much like courage.  Courage is when you are afraid and you continue forward and do what must be done regardless of your fear.  Faith is much the same, regardless of our human fear and apprehension, we step forward with faith in our Creator that no matter the outcome, it will all work out just fine.  Faith can move mountains, not because we are without fear, but because God is there with us aiding us in the journey.

I hope you enjoy the sermon.........

Be a blessing to someone today!

God's Grace to You!

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