Yesterday, I was a helper rather than the lead teacher for Sunday School. The woman who was leading asked the kids to create a card or letter for somebody who had helped them at sometime or another. I was happy that two of the girls gave their cards to me at the end of the session. One of the girls wrote a very nice note to me and I was very touched that both girls thought so much of my efforts with their class.
It just goes to show that no matter what you're doing, you can be having an impact on another person. Do your best to make sure that this impact is a positive one.
After Sunday School we stopped at Half Price Books and of course I had to purchase something. I was excited to find a perfect hardcover copy of the book "The New Testament Code: The Cup of the Lord, the Damascus Covenant, and the Blood of Christ" by Robert Eisenman. This book is a follow-up to Eisenman's book "James the Brother of Jesus; The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls". I already have a copy of his first book and I started it a while back and have been trying to get back to it. It's a bit of a daunting book though at nearly 1,000 pages, and not at all an easy read.
It is a fascinating topic though, and this is one time I really wish Jesse was still here, as I'd love to discuss this topic with him. Jesse of course was a scholar concerning the "Dead Sea Scrolls", and spent part of his career working on translating them.
I finished a book last night and so tonight I will dive back into Eisenman's first book and try and drive my way all the way through both volumes.
Here is a link to the second book on Amazon:
Saturday was my 55th birthday and I'll confess it was a bit depressing. Turning 50 didn't bother me but for some reason 55 sounds so much older. None-the-less, I've shook that feeling off and I'm readying myself for the next 55 years. LOL
For my birthday Gail & Maddie gave me exactly what I asked for. They took me to see 'Interstellar' at the IMAX and they gave me a new broiler pan for cooking chicken breasts or steaks in the oven. I used the pan yesterday, and it was a big improvement over the old pan I've been using for years now. After Christmas has passed, I'll put it through it's paces as I try and drop around 30 pounds of bodyweight before April comes around.
I must backup and say that if you haven't yet seen 'Interstellar'... GO! It's a wonderful movie and to be completely honest it was this movie that lifted me out of my slump over my birthday's double digits. Rarely do I see a movie that I would like to go see again in the theatre, but this is one that I would certainly like to see again on the big screen. Again, if you haven't seen it yet... GO!!!
I need to get to work now so I'll just leave you all with a blessing for a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don't forget to "Be A Blessing To Someone Today".
In God's Abundant & Unwavering Grace,
Edit to add:
Yesterday I did see once again my old friend Edsel. Sadly, I could tell he had declined even more, since I saw him just the other day. Please keep close in prayer Edsel and his family, as well as all of the following:
Lowell & Connie Surat - comfort and faith for entire family
Mary Alice Engleman - healing & recovery from broken hip
Don Fletcher - healing & recovery from stroke
Thank you!