Woodlawn CC

Woodlawn CC

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Prayers and video of Oct 25th Sermon

Well, as I sit to write this blog post, autumn is certainly in the air; actually, scratch that winter is in the air.  It is down right COLD outside and the wet weather isn't helping the comfort level one tiny little bit.  Fall is one of my favorite times of the year, however, like so many I don't enjoy what is just around the corner.  I do love living in the mid-west where we have all four seasons, it's just that I'd like spring and fall to take up about 40 of the 52 weeks, give summer 11 and we'll forfeit one to winter, preferably the week of Christmas.  Of course I don't want any blizzards or anything just some idyllic snow fall to punctuate the feeling of Christmas.  As soon as Christmas has passed the temps can shoot back up to the 60's and I'd be just content.  Oh well, one can dream.

I'm looking forward to my first winter here in Lake City, though the weekly drive back and forth to Omaha could be interesting at times.  I really don't know how much longer we'll keep up this routine, but it is the norm for the time being and I will just do what needs to be done.

It's been a difficult last couple of weeks for the Karlen family, we had to put down our oldest cat 'Jade' a couple of weeks back and just this week we had to put down our other little boy 'Mister Tibbles' (Tibby).  Jade was an old man and along with having gone blind his kidneys were failing, Tibby had a tumor in his stomach which was growing rapidly.  We knew that they were both failing and honestly it was just a contest to see who lasted the longest.  Ultimately it came down to when Gail was ready to let each of them go.  They were both her 'boys' and she loved them dearly.  It's been especially rough for her.

Tibby helping out in Gail's sewing room.
To top everything off, that same evening after having had to put Tibby down, Gail's mom Mary Alice had to be admitted to the hospital.  She's developed several compression fractures in her spine and sad to report she is in considerable pain.

All prayers for healing and comfort for Mary Alice would be greatly appreciated.

I've also learned that whereas my Uncle Don is doing somewhat better it doesn't seem that he is ever going to recover fully after his most recent stroke.  He's in the nursing home currently and it honestly sounds like that may well be where he'll be for the duration.  This last week I also learned that my Uncle Doug has cancer and that he is hospitalized in Sioux Falls.  The prognosis sounds extremely grim for Doug with cancer in his lungs and multiple other organs as well.  Doug has been incarcerated for the last few years and was only recently released only to become ill and discover that his remaining days are extremely short.

So any prayers for both Don and Doug would also be greatly appreciated.

Well, that's enough sadness for one sitting, here is the video of the sermon from last Sunday morning (October 25th).  I hope you enjoy it, thankfully we were able to get it all in one shot this week.  Yay!

God's blessing to you all and remember to "Be a blessing to someone today!".

In His Grace,

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sermon from October 18, 2015 - Pastor Roy Karlen, Woodlawn Christian Church, Lake City, Iowa

Well, here is the video from this past Sunday's sermon.  Sorry that it's fractured into so many segments, the camera was giving Kim grief again.  I think it has been doing this because my phone's memory was getting too full, so I've uploaded all my photos to the cloud and onto my computer hard drive and deleted them from my phone.  Hopefully, this will take care of the issue and we'll get a clean one shot video of the sermon this week.

This Saturday, I'm traveling to Hartley, Iowa to take a 'Boundaries' training session.  The Disciples of Christ require that you have a boundaries class every three years and I haven't had a class over this since ELM, so I need to squeeze one in this year.  I'm looking forward to getting the chance to meet some more clergy members from Iowa and Minnesota.  This is a class being put on by the United Church of Christ, but it's open to all denominations.

It's late and I just finished a workout in the garage so I need to get ready and hit the hay.  I pray that this quick blog entry finds you all well and richly blessed.  For those inclined to watch the video of the sermon, I hope you enjoy it and that perhaps it will be of some value to you.

In Christ,

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

If when reading Scripture.......

This past Sunday's Sermon was based on one of my own personal sayings... "If when reading scripture you never feel convicted, if you never see the hairy hand of God pointing a fat finger right back at you... well then you're not paying close enough attention."

Though scripture may 'convict' us, and God may 'judge' us, it is we alone who 'condemn' us.  God does not wish to be separated from even one of His little ones.  If we find ourselves in isolation from God, it is we who have condemned ourselves. This quote from C.S. Lewis pretty well sums it all up...

I've attached the video of the Sermon, it's in two parts once again and I apologize for that.  I thought it was a pretty fair sermon and I hope if you take the time to listen that you'll perhaps gain something from it.

With that, I will let you all go, and retire for the evening.

Be a blessing to someone today!!

In Christ,

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sermon on Fear, October 4th - Pastor Roy Karlen at Woodlawn Christian Church, Lake City, IA

Photo taken from the Facebook page of Prairie Sanctuaries
Check them out he takes the best photos of country churches!

This past Sunday, I preached over "Psalm 91".  The sermon focused on 'fear', we are often afraid in this life and repeatedly we are told to not be afraid and to have faith.  Well, the problem with that is, as I outline in the sermon that faith is much like courage.  Courage is when you are afraid and you continue forward and do what must be done regardless of your fear.  Faith is much the same, regardless of our human fear and apprehension, we step forward with faith in our Creator that no matter the outcome, it will all work out just fine.  Faith can move mountains, not because we are without fear, but because God is there with us aiding us in the journey.

I hope you enjoy the sermon.........

Be a blessing to someone today!

God's Grace to You!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sermons September 20th and 27th, 2016 = Woodlawn Christian Church, Pastor Roy Karlen

My sincerest apology for being so far behind on blogging.  We've been a bit busy here at Woodlawn Christian the last couple of weeks. On September 26th and the 28th, we had funerals for two long term and devoted members.  We were sad to say goodbye to Georgia Pierce and Marj Cunningham.  Both of these ladies had been in nursing care away from Lake City for a fair while and I had never actually met either of the women.  It's difficult to plan a funeral for someone you have never met, but that is so often the role that we as ministers are asked to play.  Both services went well and all of us here at Woodlawn continue to pray for peace and comfort for the families.  God is our refuge and our constant source of strength.

I will be writing another post later today with the sermon from this last weekend, so for now I'm going to sign off with God's blessings to you all.

Be a blessing to someone today!

Here is the video of the Sermon from September 27th.

Below is the video of the Sermon from September 20th.  It's in 4 parts because the camera was giving Spencer fits as he was trying to record the sermon.

Prayer of Saint Francis 
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.