Woodlawn CC

Woodlawn CC

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas Service and the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Once again, I apologize for not getting the videos of the sermons up on a perfectly timely manner.  I've attached three videos this week, the first is of Creath performing for us here at Woodlawn Christian on Christmas morning, the second is the video of my sermon from Christmas morning, and the third is the final sermon in Advent given on December 18th.

We are closing fast on the final day of 2016, and we look ahead to what the new year has in store for us with a good deal of excitement and anticipation.  2017 has such great potential and it's honestly up to us to make sure and to allow it to live up to it's fullest.  Let us be prayerfully engaged with not only our Church, and our community, but to also be fully engaged with our own lives.  Let us seek to find ways to improve ourselves, no matter if that may be taking a class of some form, starting an exercise program, improving our diets, resolving to read more books, or just resolving to read the Bible each day.  The greatest investment we have is ourselves and the more valuable we can make ourselves the more valuable our involvement can be in our Church, our community, our world, and our families lives.

I love the simple saying "do something today that your future self will thank you for".  It's a simple saying but a wonderful one none-the-less, make yourself just a tiny bit better today than you were yesterday... and remember to... be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,
Pastor Roy

Creath Karlen, playing "Coventry Carol" at Woodlawn Christian on Christmas Morning.

Sermon given by Pastor Roy Karlen, Christmas Morning 2016, The Prologue of John.

Sermon given on December 18th, 2016.  The Fourth Sunday of Advent "Love".

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Third Sunday of Advent, Lighting the Candle of Joy!

This past Sunday, December 11th was the Third Sunday of the Advent Season and for those of us in the 'Disciples of Christ' denomination it was the 'Sunday of Joy'.

In the sermon to which the video on Youtube is linked below, I compared this season of joy to childbirth.  We wait with 'joy' for the advent of Christ and just as in childbirth we can and will feel a feeling of mixed fear, anticipation, worry and joy.  Just as an expectant mother can be overwhelmed with joy at learning of her pregnancy and yet have to suffer through the pain and fear of morning sickness and delivery; we can be filled with an incredible sense of joy and anticipation over the second coming of Christ and still be surrounded with the pain and suffering of this world.

Joy does not have to exist in a world of only peace and harmony.  No, in fact one of the things that separates joy from happiness is that joy can exist in the midst of suffering and pain.  In spite of the pain and suffering that we see in this wanting world, may you find and feel the joy that can only be found in the love, peace and hope found in Christ our Savior.

Be a blessing to someone today!

In His Grace & Joy,

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Advent first two Sundays and the Sunday leading up to Advent

I've been very remiss lately and I haven't gotten the videos for the sermons up on the blog for the last several weeks.  I've linked the videos for the last three weeks here in this blog post.

Last week was the 2nd Sunday of Advent and for us here at Woodlawn Christian it was a time to reflect on God's Peace.  A quote from the sermon is as follows.

"The desire for revenge and punishment is all too prevalent in human justice, but to imply that it is a component of God's justice means forgetting entirely what we celebrate each week at this communion table.  The pursuit of human justice will never give us God's peace.  Any cry for justice that does not include, and offer front and center grace, forgiveness and reconciliation is not God's justice and will not bring us God's peace."

I pray that as we progress further through this time of Advent that each of us will focus on trying to be advocates for God's Peace in this world.

May you all be blessed in this time of waiting and preparing for the coming of Christ into this world.

Be a blessing to someone today!

In Christ,

The second Sunday of Advent - Sermon on "Peace"

The first Sunday of Advent - Sermon on "Hope"

Here is the video for the Sunday leading up to Advent

Passionate Prayer

Photo taken by Christian Begeman

Just putting this up because I haven't gotten around to posting the video from this sermon.

Sorry that I've neglected the blog lately.

God Bless,

Woodlawn Christian Church, Lake City, Iowa